"please don't go.."

779 23 21

CONCEPT: Y/N discovers JK will be leaving her.

Here it finally is! The military-themed prompt you guys wanted ;")
It's here and it hurts so good😭🥲 soz in advance🥺🤧💔

*inspired by jk's walking vlive

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"Hey guys.. so I have Y/N here with me! We just went for a little walk around the neighbourhood for some exercise. We've been cooped up at home for the past few days so it's about time we got some fresh air! How are you ARMY?"

He reads some of the comments asking him to show you.

"Oh you wanna see my babygirl? Here she is! Looking beautiful as always." He pans the camera to you who was on the phone with your bestie.

"Babe, wave to ARMY!" He tells you. You turn around and wave to his phone; blowing a kiss. JK turns it quickly back to him,
"Nuh-uh ARMY, don't be fooled ok? That kiss was for me! Not for you guys!!"

You chuckle at his reaction. He was so adorable, getting protective over you even with his fans.

You continue your phone call with your bestie, listening to her rant about her boyfriend issues, responding every now and then to the things she said. It was reoccurring things so you couldn't help but find yourself zoning out half the time.

You take a quick glance at your boyfriend whom you thought was next to you but he was behind, slowing down while he read the rest of the Vlive comments. You loved how intimately close he got with his fans that he would do random things like eating and watching tv while on a live stream with them. This walking around while on a live was new to you, he hasn't done this one yet.


He looks up with his precious doe eyes and adorable boba ball baby face. "Yeah?"

"Don't forget to watch where you're going! You might trip and there's cars coming by from time to time!"

"Aww, you see how much my girl cares for me? This is why you don't need to worry about me Army!"

You shake your head and chuckle. After warning him, you notice your shoelaces untied and at the same time your bestie asks you when you're available to hang out again. You stop for a second to tie your laces and try to recall a few dates in mind although you also couldn't help but notice that Jungkook's once loud voice had lowered down as if he were trying to whisper things. "So there's something I have been wanting to tell you guys.." you hear him start.

You wanted to listen in but you also didn't want to be obvious since it seems like it was something you weren't supposed to hear. You continue to talk with your friend on the phone as if you were completely distracted and not listening. And that's when you heard it:
"So uh.. i just spoke with Jin hyung on the phone. I wanted to check in with him and get some advice before.. um.. well, I'm actually... joining him really soon.. I'm going to start my military service."

You heard and stopped in your tracks.

..Did you just hear that right?

You were in shock.

You knew it was coming but you had no clue when it was going to be and the fact that that's how you had to find out, did not sit right with you.
You speed up your walking as you felt the tears beginning to fill your eyes within every millisecond.

"I've gotta go, I'll call you later okay?" You tell your bestie. You weren't even sure if she understood that. You said it way too fast and with your voice quivering, you could barely even speak.

JAYKAY IMAGINES -  jjk & you 💖Where stories live. Discover now