fine line

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CONCEPT: Your ex boyfriend is Harry Styles and your current bf JK has no clue.
* You're part of the HYBE team. You're in the dressing room with the boys and the rest of the HYBE wardrobe staff when suddenly your Ex from the room next door recognizes you.
Note:** i'm not in anyway saying that HS is a bad person. *THIS IS ALL FICTION OF COURSE* Forgive my past obsession with harry PLSS i just had to include him here. EVER SINCE MY 2 WORLDS COLLIDED WHEN HOBI + MAKNAE LINE WENT TO HIS CONCERT, I HAVE NOT RESTED TIL I MADE A PROMPT LIKE THIS. ^_^ EHE LET ME BE
For those fellow former (or current) Harry stans.. SEE WHAT I DID WITH THE TITLE?😏😏EHHH

ENJOY beshies♥️

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"Y/N????" calls the once familiar voice that forever haunts your mind. Could it be him? No, it can't be. It shouldn't be...

You turn around to see the person you never wanted to see again: your ex.

He hugs you a little too tightly and a little longer than you expected so you subtly try to push him off. If no one was around, you would have roughly shoved him off without hesitation. Somehow you wanted to act polite but you also wondered how you still had that ounce of respect toward him still existing in you.

He places his hands onto your shoulders and slides them down to hold your hands, "wow... it's been way too long.." You felt uneasy—disgusted even.
"Nothing's changed, you're still just as beautiful as you were when I last saw you.. If not, even more."

You felt everything you ate an hour ago, climbing back up your throat. You wanted so badly to hit him; slap him across the face. You didn't look at him when he said this; you couldn't.

The room was tight in space; you almost forgot that everyone from staff was watching the two of you in the center of the room as if it were some live show. They were all talking; whispering amongst themselves about the unexpected, tension-filled encounter between you and him.

"Small world huh? Or maybe we're just really destined to be together?" He chuckles.

You cringe inside. All you could do was put on a fake smile and shrug. "I wouldn't read into it. It's really just a small world."

RM clears his throat and you zone out, completely forgetting that they were also here surrounding the two of you. "Uhh so how do you guys know each other?"

"Oh pardon my manners," Harry excuses himelf and reaches his hand out for the boys to shake, "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you guys! My dressing room is right across and I couldn't help but make my way in as soon as I spotted Miss. Y/N here."

"Wowww Y/N, you never told us you knew him!!" Jin says in amusement as he pats your back.

Yoongi scratches his head in confusion, "Wow I would have never thought.."

"Yeah, life is just full of surprises isn't it?" Harry doesn't break the eye contact with you and smiles, "She was the best thing that ever happened to me." Bullshit. You thought as you're disgusted by the sincerity in his voice.

"So how do you two know each other??" Taehyung asks.

Harry gestures to you, "Y/N would you like to do the honours?"

'The honours to punch you in the face? It would be a pleasure!' You grind your teeth at the thought. "We were... friends."

He cocks an eyebrow at your response.
You noticed the disappointed expression on his face yet he manages to smirk and play along anyway, "Friends?? Hmm, I'd say close friends.. Very close friends." He winks and puts an arm around you.

JAYKAY IMAGINES -  jjk & you 💖Where stories live. Discover now