Silly (TEXTS)

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CONCEPT: You were in the other room in a zoom conference for your university class and your silly boyfriend was bored and up to his own shenanigans.

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jungkookie🐰💖: hi miss, i've seen you around the area and i think you're really beautiful.. can we keep in touch?

Y/N: i'm literally right next door to you pabo

jungkookie🐰💖: i hope you don't think it's weird because we just met but i really want to get to know you better 🙂

Y/N: you're a total crackhead kookie..

jungkookie🐰💖: please? i don't want to miss out on this chance.. i think you might actually be the one for me..

Y/N: ...sighs.. i mean, sure. What have I got to lose?

jungkookie🐰💖: i feel like i just won the lottery.. thank you for giving me this chance. It's Y/N right? Your name?

Y/N: yes

jungkookie🐰💖: oh i could have sworn it was Princess since that's how you appear to me👑

Y/N: hehe... nope😇

jungkookie🐰💖: you're adorable

jungkookie🐰💖: forgive me if I sound creepy but lately i just can't get you out of my mind and I could never forgive myself if i didn't make a move

Y/N: just a little creepy lol

Y/N: how do i know you're not some 67 year old weirdo?

jungkookie🐰💖: i promise i'm not. I'm 23

Y/N: oh just a year younger than me!

jungkookie🐰💖: noona??

Y/N: don't.

jungkookie🐰💖: sorry😂 thought i'd give it a try.

Y/N: by the way, I don't think I got your name, what was it again?

Y/N: Wait.. i remember you! You're from that boy band BTS!!

Y/N: You're that really handsome one that always catches my eye..☺️☺️

jungkookie🐰💖: aw you're making me blush!

Y/N: Jin right?

jungkookie🐰💖: 😒😒😒😒😒

jungkookie🐰💖: OK CUT

jungkookie🐰💖: babe wTF!!

Y/N: HEY why did you break out of character!! You were doing so well!

Y/N: Like damnnnn you almost won an Oscar baby ;)

jungkookie🐰💖: i refuse to take on a role that includes a love triangle with my girl 😤😠

Y/N: i was just testing your acting skills and you just failed ❌
You're not supposed to let distractions interfere you know!

jungkookie🐰💖: you're evil :(

jungkookie🐰💖: don't make me go in there and kiss you in front of your classmates 😈😇

Y/N: and i'm evil?

Y/N: pshh, you wouldn't!

jungkookie🐰💖: oh are you challenging me? Ok i'm coming in😇


jungkookie🐰💖: come on, this is the part where we meet up!😌

Y/N: but you already called "CUT!" Director-nim!!

jungkookie🐰💖: well we're rolling again :) 🎥🎬


jungkookie🐰💖: jokes on you babe, i have a keyyyyy MWAHAHAHA

JK is now fidgeting with the doorknob so you get rush to turn your camera off and mute your mic to jump out of your seat.

You hear someone from your class asking: "where did she go?"

You're both standing on the other side; pushing the door; both laughing hard ^_^

You're both standing on the other side; pushing the door; both laughing hard ^_^

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