muscle bun bff

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CONCEPT: You're in your best friend's room hanging out while he's in the shower.

(You've liked him your whole life and he definitely has caught on to that in the past few weeks but he enjoys teasing you about it 😳) Today he becomes extra playful especially when you found out how much he has been working out..👀👀
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You're lying on his bed throwing his Cooky head pillow up in the air and catching it and talking to him through the bathroom door.

"Dude you need to clean up your room. No wonder you don't get any girls to stay over. They can't stand to even walk in here!"

"What girls? You're the only one who constantly invades my space! Plus they don't even come near me since they feel so threatened by you."

You mumble as you scoff and gently pat yourself on the back with pride. That was your lowkey way of asking him if he's had anyone around.
There was no denying that you had fallen for Jungkook. You've always 'secretly' had a crush on him and you becames easily jealous of any other girl who tries to take your place.

"Y/N I'm hungry! Wanna buy me food? Or better yet, go make me something

"Excuse me your royal highness, but I am NOT your servant!"

"I'll pay you."

"Ok now we're talking!"
You joke. You could hear him laugh through the door and it makes you smile.

"YAH You're no fair, I've been making you pancakes for the past few days just cuz you were craving it!"

"Because you're a softie and you gotta admit: you're whipped for me!"

"Whateverrrr!! Anyways, could you pass me my hairbrush Y/N?"

"I'm too comfortable to moveee!!" You groaned.

He sighs to himself, "You lazy bum."

Jk opens the door to get the hairbrush himself and The steam coming out catches your attention but more the fact that your best friend was shirtless wearing only a towel around his body that was on display.. He had clearly been working out and it caught you off guard.

You can't keep your wandering eyes off his perfectly defined body.. then next thing you knew, the Cooky pillow you had been thrown up in the air, came plopping down on your face; hitting your eye.

"Ow.." You whisper to yourself as you hold your hand over your eye that stung.

You could hear him snicker and you quickly turn away from him in embarassment.

"I saw that you know."

"Saw what?" You faced the wall to hide your face getting flushed. You didn't need a mirror to see if your face was getting hot and red right now.

"Don't play dumb."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You like what you see huh??"

"No. I'm stressed by what I see. Your room is a mess!"

"Don't play dumb Y/N! I'm talking about me.
Admit it, you just checked me out!"

"In your dreams!" But you knew damn well you just did.

"Anyways what were we talking about before you got distracted over my body?"

You just shook your head.

"So why won't you look at me anymore Y/N?"

"Because you're gross! Put a shirt on!"

"Oh yeah? I could have sworn that you WERE and ARE currently drooling over me."

You rolled your eyes, "Don't be so full of yourself Jungkook."

"Y/N just look at me, I don't bite. Unless you want me to?"

You glare at him while trying to avoid eye contact. It was so hard to ignore the fact that your body was reacting to every little thing he was saying.

"I know you want me but look me in my eyes and not my body"

"Okay and suddenly you've become Mr. International playboy?"

"You like it though right?" You could hear him smiling through everything he was saying. he was so evil. He was aware of how he made you feel and you wish you weren't so obvious sometimes but it was almost impossible.

"I hope you know that your over-confidence right now is disgusting"

You rolled over on the bed pretending that you were getting 'tired' and yawned into his sheets. You just didn't want to have to face him. Especially when he was being this obnoxious.

"Hey Y/N, look at me."

"Why!" you muffled into the pillow.

"Look at me!"

"You're ugly, No"

"Sureee, that's why you're so in love with me ehhh"

It was a trick.
He knew how quickly you got defensive when it came to the topic about being in love with him.

You shot up from the bad and he is right in your face; hovering over you.

"HAHA Gotcha!!" He grins.

You gasp before looking into each other's eyes for a brief moment in silence. There was barely any space left in between your faces..

"Y/N, Are you wet?"

You instantly get flustered.
"... w-whaT d-do you— Excuse me?! Jungkook!!!"

"...What?? My drenched hair was dripping on you so I assumed...?"

"Oh.. I—"



A playful smirk returns on his lips, "Wahhh What were you thinking you dirty minded girl!!"

He leans in closer to you and you find yourself frozen at this point.
"Can you believe my best friend fantasizes about me?"

You wanted to hit him but you couldn't get yourself to.
"Admit it Y/N. You're crazy about me aren't you?"

The door swings open all of a sudden and it's Jimin. His eyes widen once he sees Jungkook still shirtless with only a towel and leaned over you looking as if you guys were in the middle of doing something. ;) From Jimin's perspective, it definitely looked naughty.

"Oh um shit sorry I didn't mean to intereupt something..."

"No no!! It's not what you think!!" you panicked while Jk was just so entertained and relaxed.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry guys this is so awkward I didn't know that you two were— Wow I can't wait to tell all the hyungs about this!!"

"Jimin NO!!! WE'RE NOT—"


"That bitch!" You hissed

Jungkook only bursts out laughing and you kick and shove him😂

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