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"You cannot be serious right now. You're Blair's boyfriend." Ophelia attempted to reason; her body dangerously close to a certain van der Bilt heir as she tried to reach any sense of logic in her own brain. "You're her cousin, I don't see you pulling back." Nate's voice was barely above a whisper, his eyes darting from the girl's daringly dark eyes to her plump gloss covered lips. "She'll kill us." The Waldorf-Huntington whispered, her hands mindlessly playing with the hairs on the back of her friend's neck. "I'll make it worth it." 

With one more fleeting glance to the same eyes the jet-black haired girl fell so deeply in love with she couldn't seem to find any more reason to object, her hands pulling the boy's face towards her own in a flash, their lips connecting with a sense of passion, security and a rush she'd never felt before. Nate's hands made their way from her face to the side of her waist, picking her up with ease and placing her on the once clear bar behind them before he moved his lips down to the crevice of her neck and began peppering kisses towards her collarbone. "Nat." Ophelia breathed out heavily, sensations flowing through her body as she shifted underneath his touch. Her usually authoritative voice was replaced with something so sweet and yet so endearing it pulled him out of his motions, locking eyes with her own once more. 

"I love you, Lia." The words startled the young girl and despite everything in her brain screaming at her to stop, she couldn't help the way her heart fluttered as she looked into the genuine, loving eyes of the boy she thought she'd never have. "I love you Nat." Pulling the boy towards her once more she reconnected their lips, her perfectly manicured nails trailing down the crisp button up he donned as she carefully undid each button, nails now free to trail down his toned body. Nate simply smiled at the girl's actions, shifting her navy silk dress further up her body to allow perfect access to the body he craved. 

Pulling the girl against her body Nate took his time savoring each and every bit of her, smiling to himself at the moans that involuntarily left her mouth, any thoughts that existed outside of the two of them were now long gone. With careful, delicate movements the dark-haired girl found herself guiding the boy in front of her - being well aware this was his first time and yet, to her surprise he knew exactly what to do to make her feel good. 

Ophelia held Nate close, desperate for this moment to last forever as the pair moved against the other, sweat building on their bodies, their once perfect hair now messy from the others grips. "Holy shit Lia. I'm--". "Me too." The girl breathed against his neck, the action sending chills down his spine as he pulled her even closer than before - something the heiress didn't think was possible to begin with. Each movement caused a sense of satisfaction to flow through the duo's bodies, each trace of a finger or trail of a nail brought them closer and closer to the edge. 

Before the Waldorf-Huntington knew it a satisfying sensation ran through her body, letting out a sigh in relief she continued to move her body against the boys before she felt him repeat the same actions she did. Nate's moans were something the dark-haired brunette had only ever imagined and somehow, they had sounded even better than she could've possibly wondered. Ophelia pulled the boy close to her one final time, relishing in his touch as she allowed the boy to ride out his high, she couldn't help but find pleasure in watching the way his body reacted, every sense of passion was a result of her own actions. 

Once the pair were done, they found themselves remaining in the same position, neither wanting to face the real world despite it all occurring behind the doors to their left. Moving her head from the crook of the boy's neck Ophelia planted a sweet, tender kiss on the boy's plump lips once more before pulling back slightly and allowing them the chance to fix themselves up. 

"I need to leave." Ophelia whispered as she slid herself off the edge of the bar, turning her body around in order to not face the boy she desperately loved. "W-what are you talking about?". Nate wondered, his voice breaking before he even got the chance to cover it up. She felt that same spark run through her body as his hands were placed delicately on her hips, willing her to turn around and face him. "I'm going to Italy." The brunette confessed, staring down at the ground as the heir to the van der Bilt fortune willed her body to face his own. "But... but we just... I love you." Nate stumbled, moving one hand underneath the Waldorf-Huntington's chin to force her gaze to meet his own broken expression. "I was already leaving Nat... I should've told you... I just... I didn't want to say goodbye." 

"It seems like you just did." Nate's broken expression shifted to one of a cold-exterior now, his hands immediately dropping causing Ophelia's heart to drop at the motion. "Nat please." The brunette willed, desperate to leave things on a happier note but now it was the golden boy's turn to ignore her. Feeling tears flow down her cheeks the heiress took a deep breath in, glancing towards her phone that began to ring on the bar stool, waiting a moment to see if he would do anything before answering. "Yep. I'll be there in a minute." Ophelia confirmed to her personal driver, her belongings having already been sent to her family's penthouse in Italy. 

Hanging the phone up and grabbing her silver Gucci clutch the brunette took one step towards the boy in front of her, leaning up after a moment's hesitation she placed a short kiss on the side of his lips before whispering so softly she wondered if he even heard her at all. "I'll always love you Nat." 

Without another word Ophelia exited out the furthest door, flattening her hair with her hand and fixing her makeup with the compact mirror she kept stored in her purse at all times before she made herself presentable to the public eye once more. The girl and her friends had been subject to the public eye since they were born but their lives had become even more publicized with the introduction of a certain blogger called Gossip Girl, somehow the girl always knew the ins and outs of their relationships before they even did. Ophelia just hoped the girl never got wind of what went down between herself and her cousin's boyfriend as she made her way towards her personal black limo, desperate to rid the city goodbye. 

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