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In our modern age when you call someone and can't find them you can pretty much be sure they'll get the message. But if they don't call you back it usually means they don't wanna be found. 

Having received an urgent summons from her cousin Ophelia Waldorf-Huntington had made her way to the Waldorf penthouse, she'd been trying desperately to get in contact with Serena but after hearing rumours that she was caught up with Georgina again she decided to steer clear. Shifting the oversized brown cotton vest, she donned over her black turtleneck the ravenette stepped into the elevator before finding a soft smile creep onto her face. "Hey Nat." The boy immediately pulled the heiress into his embrace, grateful to see her once more now that they were back to being friends. 

"Lia, do you have any idea what's going on?". Shaking her head as an answer Ophelia was interrupted by a hand blocking the automatic doors from closing, shifting her gaze towards their newest guest. "Chuck." The heiress greeted nonchalantly, stepping closer towards Nate in an attempt to diffuse the awkward tension between the two ex-friends. "Hey." Chuck aimed at the van der Bilt heir, but Nate refused to answer, shifting his arm closer towards the ravenette beside him in an attempt to stay calm despite his choice to glare daggers at the back of the Bass' head. 

Walking out of the lift in silence Ophelia let out a sigh of relief as she could finally escape the suffocating awkward environment. Being greeted by silence the only noise that filled the room was the sound of the heiress' heels clicking against the tiles as she scanned her eyes around them. "Maybe this is Blair's idea of a perverse triple date?". Chuck wondered verbally, unsure as to what to do now. "Miss Blair asks that you should wait here. She's on her way now." Dorota quickly informed the trio causing even more confusion to flow through the ravenette's mind. "She's not even here?". 

Receiving no response Chuck simply scoffed and began to walk towards one of the nearby chairs, making himself comfortable in an attempt to pass the time. "Well, this ought to be good." Chuck spoke with a hint of intrigue in his voice, the unusual situation piquing his interest more than he cared to admit. Shaking her head in disbelief Ophelia made her way into the kitchen in search of a cold beverage - or really just anything to allow her time to escape the ongoing cold war between Nate and Chuck.

"Well, is something actually wrong or is this just some ploy to get us all here?". Nate's voice rang through the heiress' ears causing her to down the small glass of water she had poured for herself and quickly rejoin the group. "I meant what I said on the phone. I need your help. We need your help." The choice of wording made Ophelia narrow her eyes towards her cousin before she quickly followed behind her and found herself laying her gaze upon a rather disheveled Serena who sat in the corner of the lift the trio had not long exited out of. "Oh my God." Nate voiced, immediately stepping into the small lift to help the young blonde onto her feet. "Are you okay?". Chuck tried questioning but to no avail. "Where are we going?". Nate asked as both him and Chuck worked together to move the blonde onto her feet. 

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