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There's plenty of upside to being the spawn of the fabulously wealthy. But the downside? Super successful parents expect nothing less from their offspring. And when it comes to college, that means the Ivies. It's more than just getting into college. It's setting a course for the rest of your life. And for those few who aren't legacies, the pressures are no less. When parents have sacrificed for their children's futures... what kid would wanna let them down?

The freshman choir stood at the front of the hall singing an acapella rendition of 'Glamorous' by Fergie whilst Ophelia sat bored out of her mind and staring off aimlessly into space. It'd been a few days since the events of the Kiss on the Lips party, and she had yet to speak to any of the people who once called themselves her friends. Chuck had attempted to reach out to her, but the heiress was still mad at him for assaulting someone. Nate had sent her a text to check and see if she was doing okay after the public humiliation attempt of his girlfriend, but the brunette simply found it humorous, he had gone back to pretending his life was perfect despite the desires they had acted upon in private yet again. 

As for Serena, the blonde had been rather preoccupied with her new boyfriend and her new life that thinking of reaching out to the girl who had risked everything to help them seemed out of the picture. Ophelia had spent the entire weekend annoying her half-brother and throwing herself into the business side of her family's business, she knew she didn't want to take over - that was always Spencer's passion - but learning more was definitely not going to hurt in the long run.

"Thank you, ladies. Good morning, students. I ask all of you to show a little sympathy for our junior class. They are almost through with Ivy Week." The headmistress of Constance addressed the schools pulling the heiress out of her own thoughts and glancing back towards the stage. "As is our long-standing tradition the Constance Billard girls will be in charge of Friday night's mixer and the St. Jude's boys will provide the ushers for the visiting representatives." The headmaster of St. Jude's spoke with such enthusiasm the brunette couldn't help but roll her eyes, finding their 'age-old' traditions to be quite tedious. "For those of you who dream of attending an Ivy League school this mixer is the most important event of your life." "But no pressure." The two headmasters shared a mischievous laugh between themselves, knowing better than anyone just how insane this week was for the young teens.

Ophelia glanced around her as the headmasters droned on, desperate to find a way of escaping this meeting before eventually sliding out of the row of pews and sneaking out the side door of the hall undetected. "Thank fuck." The heiress whispered to herself as she made her way down the hallway and into the fresh air, feeling grateful for some peace and quiet and to be away from the ridiculous amount of pressure that was being placed on them. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?". Chuck's voice pulled the dark-haired brunette out of her brief relief causing her to let out an audibly groan of frustration and turning on her heels to face him, her eyes widening at the sight of Nate standing right beside him. "Same as you I'd assume." Motioning towards the blunt freshly lit in the boy's hand causing a laugh to escape his lips. 

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