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According to the Catholic Church mortal sin can be absolved through the sacred act of confession. But it looks like a certain Wasp princess has recently found herself desperately in need of a little unburdening. And who is the man upstairs to discriminate?

"Check this out." Spencer's voice pulled Ophelia from the never-ending wondering of whether or not she should call a certain Archibald, raising her eyebrows as her half-brother held up a newspaper in his hands, she couldn't help but scoff. "What are you, 50?". Her snide remark made the older boy shake his head before he threw the article down on the coffee table in front of her. On the front page of the New York Journal was none other than Nathaniel Archibald alongside his parents. "What the hell?". Picking up the newspaper to have a closer look she read over the title numerous times, wondering whether her brain was just playing some prank on her or not. "Archibald Indicted. Multiple charges. Firm missing millions." The heiress read aloud before shifting her eyes towards her brother in hopes of further explanation. 

"Turns out the Captain didn't just have a problem with substances after all. He's being charged with embezzlement and fraud." Spencer explained to save the ravenette from having to read the entire article. "Fuck, how the hell does this even happen?". Ophelia questioned as she placed the newspaper back down on the table. "I'd assume forging documents has a large part in it--" "You know I didn't mean literally." The heiress cut him off before picking up her phone once more and sending her old friend a message without hesitation. "It may be smart to avoid Nate for a while. You have... history. But I don't think it'd be good for business if you were seen with him right now."

Ophelia couldn't believe what her half-brother was suggesting, abandoning her friend in one of his hardest times of need, and for what? Business? "Good one Spence. You and I both know that's not going to happen." Smiling softly when she saw the reply from Nate asking to meet her in the next half hour the ravenette couldn't help but feel giddy. "I'm being serious. The last thing our father needs right now is a scandal." Sighing at the words that rang true the heiress found herself falling silent for a brief moment, wondering whether or not he was right. "Look, if you insist on meeting up with him then do it in private." Knowing his little sister all too well Spencer simply walked off, aware she would choose what was best for her over business. 

Glancing down at her outfit the heiress simply shrugged with approval before picking up her designer handbag and continuing to text Nate a location. She didn't see the point in changing once more when she knew she had yet to debut the look she donned: a baby blue pleated skirt that stopped at her mid-thigh, a white lace bustier paired with a knit white cardigan for a hint of modesty. Her signature pearl necklace remaining firm on her neck with a pair of knee-high white socks making her black heels more comfortable than ever. Stepping out of the elevator Ophelia simply nodded her head towards Alex who stood waiting in the lobby, letting him know she was ready to leave but not specifying where until they were in the privacy of the limo. 

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