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Wakey, wakey Upper East Siders. Spring break is done, and I'm starved for the dish. Were you sunning in Capri or sinning in Croatia? Give me the deets. And has anyone spotted our ex-queen bee? Where does the dethroned royalty vacation these days?

"El, get up!". Spencer's voice boomed through the walls of their penthouse causing the heiress groan in frustration and immediately pull the covers over her head. "Five more minutes!". "You said that fifteen minutes ago, up, now." Feeling the luxurious fabric be pulled from her body before the sun streamed through the now-opened curtains released another groan of frustration from her mouth. "It's the first day of school and frankly I don't care if you've spent the break running on your own time in Italy - nor would Constance." Rolling her eyes with exasperation the ravenette eventually moved her legs off the bed and trudged towards her closet where her uniform awaited her tired body. "You know, you're nicer to me when I'm in a different country." 

"Maybe that's because I don't have to be your guardian when our parents are actually pretending to do so." Poking his tongue out teasingly towards his little sister the older Huntington left the room promptly to continue getting ready for his own day in the office, one that would inevitably bring him stress as the business began to garner even more interest than before the break. 

Grumbling profanities to herself the heiress stumbled into the shower to try and make herself seem more alive - and less hungover - than she certainly felt before she donned her uniform and began working on her hair and makeup. "You have two minutes to get your ass out of this apartment before I make you take the subway." Spencer shouted once more, enjoying his role as her renewed guardian a little more than he would care to admit. Clasping her pearl necklace around her neck and adjusting the rather large bow that seemed to have taken its destined place in her long-curled hair the heiress finally emerged from her room with an unimpressed expression on her pampered face.

"Coffee. Now." Ophelia ordered her older brother, sending him a small smile as he held out his hand with an already made cup, the hot sensation going down her throat created a sense of energy to flow through her body before she spoke once more. "Much better." Silently thanking the rather amused looking Spencer she ensured everything was in her large faux-leather handbag for the day ahead, feeling grateful for their newest hire - Madeline - for getting it ready for her the night before. "Do you plan on finally speaking to your cousin today?". Spencer enquired, growing sick of hearing about the feuding duo over the last two weeks. "That depends." "On what?". The older boy's voice was one of unamused nature, instead it was rather bland and bored. "On whether or not she's stopped being such a raging bitch." 

Sending a wicked smile his way the ravenette swung the bag over her shoulder before grumbling a string of farewells and entering the elevator to a moment of peace. In truth Ophelia had done her best to ignore the last conversation she had with Blair Waldorf, she hated feeling as petty as her cousin, but she enjoyed escaping the country with her two best friends - Theodore and Carrington - it allowed her the chance to escape Gossip Girl at the same time. Nate had tried to contact the heiress' during the first week of her vacation until she had sent him a rather drunken-infused photo of herself sitting on the lap of some Italian racecar driver which promptly shut his mouth. 

Heiress ∣ Nate ArchibaldWhere stories live. Discover now