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Ophelia stood in her new luxury penthouse, sketching designs whilst trying desperately to ignore the near slip-up mere hours earlier. She knew Blair and Serena were meeting up to try and reconcile but the heiress didn't feel like attending yet another fake event. As her eyes narrowed on the sketch in front of her eyes the brunette let out a rather frustrated groan, tearing the page from the once perfect sketchbook and chucking it towards the pile of discarded thoughts in the corner of her room - nearly hitting her half-brother in the process. 

"Damn, what did the sketches ever do to you?". Spencer inquired with a hint of humor in his voice, having not seen his sister this frustrated since before she moved to Italy. "I thought you and that racecar driver were doing well?". "If you're talking about Mateo, no. We broke up a few weeks ago. There's no point trying to do a long-distance relationship when the Upper East Side is involved." Ophelia explained, letting out a sigh before she sat up on her bed and crossed her legs over each other, allowing space for the older boy to join her if he deemed necessary. "And you're okay with that?". "It was my idea Spenc." 

The Huntington boy couldn't help but laugh once more, the way his little sister brushed off any sense of emotion simply amusing him rather than worrying. "And a certain van der Bilt heir has nothing to do with that?". Ophelia narrowed her eyes, curious as to what the boy was insinuating let alone how he possibly knew the inner workings of her life. "Chuck told me after you left. Thought you may need a shoulder to lean in if you were anything like Nathaniel." "I'm going to kill him." "Pretty sure you'll have to get in line." 

Leaning her head on her brother's shoulder for comfort the dark-haired brunette contemplated her options, did she let the boy beside her in and actually try to figure out her feelings for once, or did she continue to pretend like nothing happened - which clearly wasn't working that well for her. After an extended silence and an attempt at willing her entire list of problems away the heiress shifted her body to face her brother, looking down at their close hands before allowing herself to finally feel. 

"I love him Spenc... and I know I shouldn't. I know he's taken. Hell, he's our cousin's boyfriend and he always has been! But I don't know... he makes me feel alive." Spencer moved one arm around his sister's shoulder to provide her with additional comfort as he listened to her ramble, the young girl spilling every single feeling and emotion surrounding the predicament she had recently found herself in. The older boy couldn't help but feel bad for her as she spoke, he knew she meant well and didn't actively try and destroy their cousin's life, but he also knew that the Archibald wouldn't have ever done something if he didn't love the young Waldorf-Huntington back. 

After a solid few minutes of rambling the heiress finally took a breath in, nervously shifting her gaze towards her brother as she secretly awaited some grand inspiring wisdom. "Well. That was definitely something." Letting out a small groan of pain as the brunette hit him against his chest in annoyance the boy continued to laugh, looking towards his little sister. "Look, if you love him that much then go and get him. Blair has only ever loved the idea of Nate, never who he actually is, you and I both know that. Now, get your ass up and go and find a brand-new dress for the Kiss on the Lips party - I'll deal with the invitation." "Have I ever told you I love you Spenc?". "Not nearly as much as you love Nate, but I'll accept it." 

Heiress ∣ Nate ArchibaldWhere stories live. Discover now