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There are three things we do alone: We are born, we die and if we're a high school junior headed for college, we take the SATs. And while the test is said to measure our best traits preparing for it inevitable brings out the worst. Humility becomes self-doubt. Striving becomes obsession. Some are driven to self-medication. While others cling to the security of being part of a group. And anyone who's used to bending the rules will find themselves breaking them. 

"I'm going to go insane!". Ophelia yelled to nobody in particular as she sat at the dining room table surrounded by countless books, test papers and supplies. Running her hands through her messed up hair the ravenette tried her best to contain her upcoming meltdown but she seemingly had no luck. Having spent the last few weeks trialing different study methods she found herself more exhausted than prepared. "Do you want help?". Spencer questioned as he walked over with a fresh cup of coffee in his hands for the young girl. His question earnt himself a glare, their previous rules of no talking clearly remaining in place despite her curses. 

Raising his hands in defense the older brother held in a chuckle before returning to his position of leaning against the kitchen counter. "Why don't you go over to Blair's and study with her again?". Dropping her hands from her hair to pick up the coffee cup the heiress simply glared once more as she drank. "Blair is a perfectionist at the best of times, she has Dorota printing out flash cards and quizzing her at the most unexpected occasions - we'd kill each other." Spencer simply laughed at his sister's words, knowing just how truthful they were given the rocky ground the cousins always walked on with the other at the best of times. 

"Why don't I help you? I've done the SATs; I can give you a few pointers." Despite wanting to turn down his offer Ophelia knew she was running low on time, resources and her overall willingness to live. With a reluctant nod of her head, she allowed her older brother to drag a chair close to the table before he began sifting through the textbooks, disposing of the ones he knew would be of no use. She didn't want to admit it but having the help of Spencer was already taking a weight off her shoulders, reminding her she wasn't alone in this stress - nor was the test the end of the world. 

Spending the maximum out of time studying together before the heiress had to rush to get ready for school she threw her arms around her brother, pausing for a moment in his grasp as she did so. "Thank you, Spence." The young girl spoke, having no idea how she would've unraveled her mind if it weren't for him. "What are big brothers for?". Placing a kiss on his cheek Ophelia gathered all of her school supplies in her arms before rushing towards the elevator, the short drive to Constance was enough for her to finish getting ready in the limousine - ensuring she maintained the impression of being perfectly put together despite how little sleep she had. 

Having arrived at school earlier than usual Ophelia bid Alex - her driver - a farewell before she made her way towards the inside courtyard, ready to do yet another round of practice tests with her cousin, Serena and Carrington. "How you three manage to look effortless right now is beyond me." The new blonde complimented, her own hair was a little messier than usual causing her best friend to smooth it down for her and make the look intentional. "When you've spent your entire life pleasing others your appearance becomes just as important as the SATs." Blair informed with a short smile, still weary of her cousin's best friend but trying her best to maintain the peace for once. 

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