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On the Upper East Side, it's easy to think that the world is exactly as it appears.  Refined, elegant, imposing. But sometimes, all it takes is a little key to open the door to the wild side. 

Ophelia found her body pressed against that of her now ex-boyfriend's as they sipped cocktails in the pool of Constance High and enjoyed the rush of adrenaline flowing through their bones at the year's reckless nature. A black low-plunging swimsuit fit perfectly on the heiress' body as her signature pearl necklace remained firmly around her neck, her eyes doing their best to not dote on the returned van der Bilt heir with his arms enveloping her cousin. 

"You know he still wants you." Theodore whispered in the ravenette's ear, shifting his arm to wrap loosely around her shoulders rather than her waist as they kept their breakup on the downlow. "It's definitely an interesting way to show it." Ophelia breathed heavily, watching as her cousin did her best to resist the clearly horny boy who's arms she was wrapped in. "He's staring right now, let's make him jealous." Tilting the Waldorf-Huntington's chin towards his face Theodore pressed his lips against her own with a sense of urgency and need, the pair enjoying the game of making people jealous more than they had enjoyed any actual relationship. 

After a rather heated kiss Ophelia smiled to herself and playfully pushed the boy away from her body to sip on her cocktail once more - ignoring every part of her mind that screamed at her to look towards Nathaniel. "We both know who I'm making jealous but who are you doing this for?". The heiress wondered, moving her eyes around the pool she noticed a certain blonde beauty doing her best to not show her discomfort towards the previous kiss. "Ahhh, found her." With a smile wide on her face now the ravenette turned her gaze back towards her ex and waited expectantly. 

"Her name's Carrington Wells - her family just moved here from Los Angeles; their wealth could challenge almost anyone who runs in our circle." "Why don't you go and talk to her?" Ophelia questioned, feeling intrigued by the blonde who had recently been thrown into the workings of the Upper East Side and somehow managed to find her footing enough to earn herself an invitation to their social gatherings. "She did just watch me make out with you." Theo informed, both enjoying the look of discomfort across her face but also wondering whether or not he had ruined any potential by his actions. "I can fix that." 

Letting out a soft cough to clear her throat the ravenette stretched her neck from side to side before getting into character. "You've spent the whole night looking at her!". Ophelia yelled gaining the attention of those around them - including Carrington Wells - at the sudden outburst. "You said we were just friends!". Theodore played along, feeling grateful he knew the inner workings of the heiress' brain by now otherwise he would be lost. "Maybe I don't want that anymore." The heiress dabbed at her eyes as though she had begun crying, slightly flicking her gaze towards the intrigued blonde who had seemingly moved closer to the commotion. "Then maybe we're better as friends." 

Heiress ∣ Nate ArchibaldWhere stories live. Discover now