The Dark Night

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In these last hazy days of summer a few simple tips to beat the heat. One: drink plenty of fluids. Two: stay out of the sun. Three: limit all physical activity. That is, within reason. And if the heat's still too much, there's always a cold shower. 

Ophelia let out a frustrated groan as she threw down the numerous pieces of fabric she'd been attempting to pin together, her mind wandering anywhere but her designs as the heat continued to flow through the main windows of the penthouse apartment. "Spencer!" The heiress yelled, desperate for her brother to come down from the study for what felt like the millionth time that day. "What great tragedy could've happened between now and the last five minutes when you summoned me?". 

The sentence was clear he was teasing the ravenette as he held a rather playful smile on his face, his eyes judging the mess that had seemingly doubled since he was there last. "I can't find my sketch book!". Continuing to throw fabric rolls around her - and proceeding to make the apartment even messier - as she tried to find the small sheet of paper, she'd used to sketch her latest design on. Sighing at her words Spencer carefully stepped into the space, not wanting to step on anything but the floor. 

"Have you ever thought about creating a system?". Spencer questioned, carefully picking up and placing fabric pieces back down where they were carelessly thrown in an attempt to not get yelled at by his little sister. "Oh ha-ha." Ophelia sassed, not bothering to argue the fact she had a system, it just happened to be a rather dysfunctional one. A few moments later the older Huntington boy let out a relieved cheer, holding up the messy book the ravenette had been desperately searching for. 

"Ahhhh! I love you!". Ophelia cheered upon the realization, throwing her arms around her brother in appreciation before quickly shooing him out of the area and returning to her design before the perfect balance of inspiration and motivation abandoned her. 

The heiress would be lying when she said her announcement of an upcoming individual line wasn't slightly pre-mature. Sure, she had dozens of designs and most of them were at least made once but she definitely didn't have the inventory for a high-end designer line for more than one fashion week guest appearance. Ophelia Waldorf-Huntington wanted to be legendary in her own right, not just a onetime wonder.

She'd spent the return back to the Upper East Side to throw herself solely into her designs - pulling inspiration from the bustling city around her rather than the chaos and drama her friends seemed to provide her with. The familiar pinging of her phone made Ophelia turn her head slightly to check the notification, groaning at the news of the rather awfully kept secret of Serena and Dan getting back together. It's not that she wasn't happy for her friend, but she could have anyone, and she insists on picking the Brooklyn boy who makes the heiress rather on edge. 

Spotted: S and Lonely Boy locking lips like all is forgiven. Will round two be any different?

"So, the flowers won't arrive until 5, and did you get the order from the caterers?" Blair questioned her cousin whom she'd finally managed to convince to stop by and help her planning. With a small smile Ophelia reached forward and picked up the piece of paper before handing it to the brunette. "Eleanor comes home today. You excited she finally gets to meet Marcus?" Serena questioned rather blandly, clearly not wanting to be in this conversation. "And see why he's so wonderful? It's not often you find a man who's intelligent, sophisticated, has an appreciation for Golden Age Hollywood and is a gentleman."

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