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What's the difference between gossip and a scandal? So glad you asked, UES Forever. Anyone can commit a minor indiscretion and generate a day's worth of buzz. But in order for gossip to birth a true scandal it requires the right person to be in the wrong place. Take one 'it' girl on a pedestal add a crowd eager to see her fall and give them the means to knock her down. 

Sitting on the steps of the MET alongside her cousin and her minions Ophelia readjusted the black headband on her head as a rather frantic Jenny Humphrey rushed to join their company. "Hi." Her overly cheerful voice announced her presence causing the heiress to roll her eyes and return to smoothing out her black and white color-blocked long sleeve dress. "Jenny, hi." One of the minions welcomed kindly, enjoying the company of the young girl. "You're late." Blair observed, exhausted by how often the blonde had been disobeying her clear instructions. "Yeah, I know, I had to drop some books at the library. Sorry." 

"Would you do me a favor?". The Waldorf girl questioned despite the entire group being well aware it was mostly rhetorical. "Anything." Jenny quickly accepted. "Move down a couple of steps. You're ruining Phi's energy." Shifting her eyes from the ravenette mentioned to the brunette who spoke the girl immediately complied, not wanting to ruin her weak social status before she even got a foothold in the door. "You know, this hazing thing is getting a bit old, don't you think, B?". "First of all, the hazing stops when I say it stops. And for future reference, only my friends call me B." 

Ophelia smiled towards her cousin's ruthless words, her unwillingness to allow anyone new into their circle without a series of trials was finally taking its toll on the Brooklyn girl who simply scoffed in disbelief before speaking again. "You know, I'm actually gonna go. I have a lot of stuff to do before class." "It's your loss." The heiress brushed off, turning her back on the exiting teenager as one of her cousin's minions tried to call for her. "Please, she'll be back." Blair retorted with authority. "She's walking on thin ice." The ravenette observed more to her cousin than anyone else. "I guess we'll find out whether she can swim." Sharing a wicked smile with one another their attention was once again drawn away by a new voice.

"Hey, guys." Serena spoke with a heavy breath, seemingly the Gossip Girl blast from earlier that morning was already taking a physical toll on her. "Hey." The minions spoke in a chorus, none of them knowing what to say to the tall blonde. "I'm not pregnant." The van der Woodsen announced sarcastically, waving her hands in the air at the same time earning a laugh from the ravenette heiress. "Oh, cool." Kati spoke with zero enthusiasm. "Congratulations." Isabel mused, still unsure how to react to the news. "Celebratory drinks after school?". 

"Yeah, sure. Blair, Ophelia, can I talk to you?". The blonde turned her attention towards her closest friends as she spoke. "Of course." Blair confirmed with an added layer of niceness causing her cousin to roll her eyes in amusement, the latter simply standing on the spot - ensuring she didn't rip her black stockings as she did so - before walking down the steps after Serena. "Did you get my text?". "Of course, I did, but I--" The Waldorf girl confirmed as though nothing was going on behind closed doors. "Well then you'll know I told Dan I'm not pregnant?". The van der Woodsen stressed. "Honestly, I'm way too excited about that fact." Ophelia sassed before glancing towards her perfect manicure for something to do. 

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