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Hey, Upper East Siders. It's Christmas in New York and along with the season comes the Constance Billard-St Jude's Bazaar where the only thing bizarre are the donated items for sale. 

Walking around the courtyard of their high schools Ophelia laughed as her arm was linked with her boyfriend's, the pair joking about the rather extravagant items that had been donated to the Christmas fair whilst the freshman stood on the steps singing Santa Baby as a form of entertainment. "What about an antique butter churner? I'm sure your brother would love it." Theodore pointed out causing the ravenette to shake her head in laughter. "Just as much as this faux antique China, I'm sure." Motioning her hand towards the clearly cheap set of dinnerware the heiress couldn't help but smile wide at the way even the richest people in the area donated the smallest of things. 

Rolling the sleeves of her oversized white sweater up her arms slightly Ophelia tried to brush off the unsure feeling flowing through her chest as her arm remained connected with Theodore's body. Her mind had betrayed her after the debutante ball, replaying the scene of a certain golden boy and her cousin on a loop despite how much she had tried to deny harboring any lingering feelings for him. "Earth to O?". Spinning her head back to the boy beside her she sent him a small smile before quickly muttering an apology. "My mind was elsewhere - fashion brain - I'm sorry Theo." 

Theodore didn't quite buy his girlfriend's excuse, but he decided not to push it, not mentioning the fact he had felt off since returning from Italy and getting back to her in order not to worry her across the holiday season. "Are your parents coming back for Christmas?". The older boy wondered, moving his hand towards her own before buying the pair of them hot cocoas to fuel the festive spirit again. "Spencer said Dad was busy but was going to try and come back - we'll see though. I try not to hold high hopes on holidays anymore." With a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes Ophelia silently sipped on the beverage in her hands, feeling grateful for the buffer it now provided. 

Feeling her phone vibrate in her bag the heiress quickly checked her messages before seeing one from her cousin. "Theo, I have to go - Blair emergency." With a quick peck to his cheek Ophelia mumbled a string of farewells before exiting the school grounds in search of a cab - it turns out having given Alex the holidays off meant she was now heavily reliant on basic New York transportation and the lack thereof. 

"I'm here!". The ravenette announced as she stepped foot into the Waldorf penthouse in search of her cousin, her eyes widening at the sight of her uncle and his new partner Roman instead. "Uncle Harold?". Rushing forward she threw her arms around the older man she admired and laughed as he immediately reciprocated. "Ophelia! It's been too long." Harold mused, grateful nothing seemed to change with the young girl despite his indiscretions. 

Leading the two men towards the nearby chairs the heiress momentarily forgot about her cousin's SOS as she fell into conversation about Paris, the latest food trends it held and all of the gorgeous sights she deeply missed since settling into New York. "Your brother and you must come visit us soon, we recently bought a gorgeous chateau near Lyons I'm sure you'd adore." Roman spoke kindly, desperate to be accepted into the wider Waldorf family, even if he had to do so by winning over the Waldorf-Huntington girl first. "I don't know about Spencer's schedule, but you can count me in Roman." 

Heiress ∣ Nate ArchibaldWhere stories live. Discover now