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As per Gossip Girl's Thanksgiving tradition I'm trading my laptop for stovetop. And for the next 16 hours, the only thing I'm dishing is seconds. When the cat's away, the mice will play. Have fun little rodents.

ThanksgivingLast Year

"Your mom is freaking out, so my mom is freaking out." Blair grabbed ahold of her best friend's arms, desperately trying to get her drunken freedom under control whilst Ophelia let out a small drunk laugh of her own. "What, which means you freak out? Blair just cut the cord. Go nuts. Join us." "Oh my God let's do shots!". The heiress cheered excitedly, turning her blonde best friend towards her before they both let out a happy squeal. "I told Lily that we were buying pie. We are not doing shots." The brunette tried desperately to control her cousin and best friend but to no avail. "Oh, pie." Serena became even more distracted as she stared longingly into thin air envisioning the pie she now craved. "I could smash a whole pie right now." The ravenette confirmed before walking towards the building behind them and leaning up against it, hopeful it would stop the world from spinning by doing so. "Where is your purse?". 

Turning in a circle Serena tried to think of where she had left the accessory causing another giggle to leave the ravenette's lips. "Uh... my purse." "Oh great. All right, you two stay here, okay? I'm gonna go look. Don't drink or hit on anything." Blair instructed but the idea didn't sound entertaining enough for her cousin who simply shook her head and stumbled back towards the bar behind them. Locking eyes with none other than her ex Carter Baizen sitting across from someone much older than herself. With a wicked smile now on her face - and much to the disagreeing calls from her cousin - Ophelia strutted towards the table, grabbed the older boy's face and planted a rather heated kiss on his lips. 

Carter didn't seem to mind how intoxicated she was, or the fact her cousin was willing to behead him on the spot. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her petite body and continued to deepen the kiss by bringing her onto his lap. "Nope, that's it!". Blair ordered before having to physically drag her cousin away from the boy who brought her nothing but trouble. "If you ever take advantage of her again, I will end you." The brunette threatened feeling her cousin leave her grasp and walk towards a different table of older men - the same ones who had begun cheering at her prior actions. Locking her eyes on the tray of shots they had just ordered Ophelia simply grabbed ahold of one and downed it before any of them could object - in an attempt at making sure they wouldn't cause a scene she leant down and placed a kiss on the closest boy's lips. Already feeling happier with the substance in her veins increasing. 

"Phia!". Blair scolded; her own eyes wide as realization began to hit her to who exactly her cousin had so carelessly kissed. "Tripp. I'm so sorry. As you can see Phia has had a little too much to drink already." The brunette began to rapidly apologize, hoping desperately that the older man wouldn't report back to his own cousin about their indiscretions. "Blair? No, that's okay. Consider it forgotten." Tripp stumbled over his words at the start before he looked towards the girl whose body was still pressed against his side. Staring up towards her once more he quickly cleared his throat and removed his grip, allowing Blair the opportunity to drag her cousin away before she could get in anymore trouble. 

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