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Hey, Upper East Siders, it's that time of year again when the mere act of descending a staircase means you're a woman. That's right, debutante season. And from what we hear, there's been some changes to the lineup.

"I'm actually glad I'm going with Prince Theodore instead of Nate. The further we get from the breakup, the more self-involved I see he was. Always so brooding, so tortured. Ugh. A girl wants Romeo, not Hamlet." Blair expressed as the trio of best friend's walked the streets of the Upper East Side in their altered school uniforms. "Romeo died." Ophelia informed trying to hide her smile as she was texting her own Theo - her newly appointed boyfriend. "Yeah, but he died for something exciting. And I want my debutante ball to be something to die for. All I get with Nate is some rosé in the back of a town car. But with the prince, I get a security detail and a high-speed chase to The Pierre after it's over." 

Serena grabbed ahold of the brunette's arm momentarily as she continued dreaming of how the night would go. "Ooo I can see you on the cover of Hello already." The blonde laughed before letting go of her arm once more. "Yeah, well, try The New York Times. They've chosen me for 'A Night Out With' and I'm gonna give them the most perfect night out of the year." Blair gushed as she shared her latest news with her friends. "B, that's so exciting!". Ophelia enthused; genuinely happy her cousin was finally getting her time to shine in the public eye. "I know!". The brunette thanked in her own way, never known for her humble nature. 

"Is your mom mad that you're not being presented?".  The Waldorf enquired, shocked at how the blonde girl managed to get out of the night. "She doesn't really have a leg to stand on since I found out she used to be my boyfriend's father's biggest fan." Serena tried to explain before she cringed as she neared the end of the sentence. "Yeah." Ophelia agreed instantly with her own smirk on her face. "It sounds so gross when you say it out loud." "That's because it is gross S." The heiress teased, still finding humor in the discovery. "And here I actually thought you wanted to go." Blair teased this time wanting to laugh at her best friend's bickering. "I'm here with you, aren't I?". Serena tried to reason playfully. "Yes, only because your grandmother's meeting you here." "Oh, wah, wah, wah, wah." 

Laughing at the duo Ophelia opened the door to the studio where the trio were required to attend for their dance lessons, everything needed to be perfect for the night. The heiress had been partnered with Nate Archibald as her boyfriend was out of the country for a family event - something she was cursing in this moment as she stood pressed against the golden boy's body. "Lia, we should talk." Nate whispered but she simply ignored him, gliding effortlessly between the St Jude's boy's arms whilst the rather boring classical tone rang through the speakers. "Will you stop goggling at Blair?". Ophelia whispered harshly at the Bass boy who's arms she now resided in. "I will the second you put Nate out of his misery." Chuck retorted before spinning the ravenette into the line of girls as they bowed and continued to maintain their perfect posture. 

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