Episode 5

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Last time on Dragon Ball Rai as four of the Z Warriors stood there ground against Cooler they knew that their lives and the lives of many others could be in serious danger. But that did not matter to one of them. The warrior called Goten. With anger and determination flowing through his blood he challenged Cooler to battle! Even though he thought it was a joke Goten was not playing around. As he ascended to a Super Saiyan 3!!! A form only his father was ever able to master! Now with this new found power Goten charges Cooler! But will it be enough? Find out today!!!

Goten: Hiyaaaa ya yaaa ya ya

Left's and Right's from Goten and every shot he threw missed. Cooler blew them off like it was nothing.

Cooler: Haha really Boy is that really the best you can summon up? Because if so then im not going to have to use any of my hidden power you wanted to see.
Trunks: C'mon Goten. Why are you holding back?

Yamcha: If he has the power then he needs to finish him off before he decideds to transform!

Goten: Haha alright you caught me! I am holding back.

Cooler: Hm? What's this now? Holding back? Heh. So why not go all out if you're so afraid of me?

Goten: Well to be honest i never really was. Because i know i can kill you right now if i wanted to.

Cooler: Huh?!

Goten begins to power up more
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cooler: What the?! There's more power to this one then i thought!

Trunks: Woah he's not holding back anymore i guess!

Goten: Heh. Ya like the new look? I call it an extreme Super Saiyan 3. My father may have reached that level but there was a whole another level to it. And i reached it.

Cooler: Uh what?! You're power!

Goten: Is higher then your's. Ha.

Cooler: Oh no this can't be!!!

Goten: Haha. Oh but it is! And now your death is near.

Yamcha/Buu/Trunks: UHHH!!! What?!?!?

Cooler: That's enough!!! Im done hearing this. No one can destroy me! I am the strongest force in this universe!

Goten: Well prove me wrong then.

Cooler charges Goten

Cooler: Hiyaaa ya ya yaaa yaa

With every shot he threw now missed with ease from Goten. He was embarrassing Cooler

Goten: C'mon Ice Pop that's not all you got? Haha

Cooler: ICE POP?!?!?

Goten charges Cooler
Left and Right punch after punch kick after kick everything Goten threw at Cooler connected!

Cooler: Ugh how is this possible?! Im being beaten by a damn monkey?!

Goten: I told you Cooler. Your death is near! NOW TIME TOO SAY GOODBYE!!!

Cooler: What's he doing now?!


Trunks: The Kamehameha wave?!? This is gonna be massive. We better get out of the way guys!!!

Yamcha: Right!


Majin Buu: Ooooooo bright light!!!


Cooler: it's massive!!! Oh no that thing will destroy me!


Cooler: NOOOOOO!!!

Out of nowhere a bright flash appeared out of nowhere and deflected the wave!

Goten: AHH?! WHAT THE?! Who did that?!?

???: Well if we have to make an introduction we shall. I am... The Blue Hurricane BURTER!!!
I am the Red Magma Jeice!!!
And i am the soul leader Captain Ginyuuuuu!!!

Goten: Dammit! That would've killed him! And that took alot out of me too.

Cooler: Well thank you gentlemen it looks like he almost had me there for a second! Heheh.

Ginyu: No problem sir it is our honer! So how shall we be in assistance sir?

Cooler: Well... Hm...
Hey BOY! It seems our fight has drawn to an end! Your new opponent will be Captain Ginyu!

Goten: Ahh what the hell?!? NO Cooler i wanna fight you! You spineless coward!

Ginyu: Enough talk!!! You're fighting me now buddy! Heheh ya see Cooler isn't the only one who has been training for the last 2 & a half years. My power has reached new heights on its own! So now its my turn!!!

Goten: Alright you ready!!

Ginyu: Haha this will be a battle like none other before!!!

As Goten is now confronted by the Ginyu force his battle with Cooler has been put on hold for now he has to fight the illustrious Captain Ginyu! Will any of the other Z Fighters join in? Or will Goten take care of Ginyu on his own? All these answered and more next time on Dragon Ball Rai!!!

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