Episode 17

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On the last episode of Dragon Ball Rai! With a desperate Vegeta trying everything to slow down the mighty Airodod nothing was seeming to work. Until he transformed into the Super Saiyan God! With every other kick and punch seeming like a million Airodod was running out of tricks and was testing Coolers patience with him proclaiming that Airodod must kill the Prince in order to stay alive. Is that a threat or a promise? Find out as Vegeta vs Airodod continues today!!!

Airodod charges Vegeta

Vegeta: Well is that the best you got big guy?!


Every kick and punch Vegeta dodged with much ease then he countered.

Vegeta: Hiya!!!!! *A massive punch to the midsection*

Now having Airodod staggering on his feet.

Airodod: Guh! How is this possible!!! I'm suppose to be more powerful then all of you!!!!! AHHHHHHHH YOU'LL ALL DIE BY THE HANDS OF AIRODOD!!!

Beerus: Whis...

Whis: Yes Lord Beerus?

Beerus: This is becoming quite boring don't you say?

Whis: Hahaha well i wouldn't go that far my lord. Give it some time things shall pick up soon Beerus.

Beerus: I really hope so because i'm about to take a little cat nap.

Whis: Haha well you do that then.

Vegeta and Airodod throwing equal amount of punches and kicks at one another.

Airodod: Vegeta!!! You will die!

Vegeta: Hahaha if you say so you big ugly grape!!!

Airodod: UGHHH!!! Superrrrrr AiroPunch!!!

Vegeta: AH!!!

That punch brought the Prince to the ground.

Vegeta: AH!!! But how? That was just a stupid little punch! How is this possible!

Goku: Ugh oh no Vegeta!

Krillin: Someone has to help him now!!!

Airodod: You stupid!!! *Kicks in the stomach* Arrogant!!! *Kicks in the back* Saiyan garbage!!! *Stomps on his head*

Cooler: Salza. Help him finish off Vegeta. I have a feeling that the Prince might regain his strength soon and when he does he'll rip Airodod to shreds!

Salza: Yes my lord!

Airodod: Let us finish this Vegeta! Now it is time for your demise!

Cooler: *Telepathicly talking to Airodod* Airodod Salza is going to help you fnish this fight. So when Vegeta gets up Salza will charge him from the back and when he turns around you scoop in for the kill. Got it?!

Airodod: Hm.. Yes Lord Cooler. Okay now Vegeta get the hell up!!! You piece of garbage!

Vegeta slowly begins to stand up

Cooler: Now Salza!

Salza charges Vegeta from the back but is suddenly cut off!

Salza: AH! What the?!

Gohan: I'm not letting you interfere! This is his fight not yours! Your fight now. Is with me!

Goku: Hm. Get him son.

Salza: It doesn't matter what you do little monkey at the end of the day i'll still be standing over your grave and spitting on it!

Gohan: Well if you fight as big as you talk then i'll actually have something to worry about. But until then. Let's play shall we? Heh.

Salza: Play??? You think this is a game?! I'll make sure you'll die right in front of your father after I'm done with you! You arrogant Saiyan trash!

Gohan: Hah! The only trash i see on this battlefield is that big lump of metal you losers came here on.

Salza: Big words for a primate! You want to make your threats into a promise?! Do you think you can even lift a finger too me?!

Gohan: Hey who knows maybe i won't have too. I was kind of hoping for you begging me not too but hell i don't mind breaking a sweat or two. Your move Salsa!

Salza: Salsa?!? It's Salza you ignorant fool! I'm not some damn dip seasoning?!?

Gohan: Hah well. Maybe i can change that!

With Gohan now stepping onto the battlefield it's anyone's game but let's hope for our hero's sake this game is one we can win! With two of the earths strongest warriors battling to protect the planet who will win? And who will perish? Find out on the next action packed episode of Dragon Ball Rai!!!

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