Episode 9

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Last time on Dragon Ball Rai as Trunks transformed into a Super Saiyan all it took was one move and Jeice was in pieces! Meanwhile the next member of the Ginyu Force stood up. It was Burter! The Blue Hurricane was not willing to sit out anymore and issued a challenge to any of the Z Fighters who wanted a piece of him! And that's when Tien stepped in! As he was done sitting out and accepted the challenge! But it was merely a distraction for Captain Ginyu to blindside Piccolo! Getting a good hit in the shooting hundreds of energy waves towards the namekian warrior! With all of en connecting but not doing any damage the only thing Piccolo could say to him was goodbye and blasted his new ultimate attack! The Double Special Beam Grenade! As he blasted it Ginyu threw an unexpected Guldo in front of the blast and ot disintegrated him. And with that does Piccolo have enough energy to finish the fight? Or will Ginyu take him out? Find out today!!!


Piccolo: Huh?! Oh no! AHHHHHHHHH HIYA!!!

Piccolo deflects the body switch blast!

Ginyu: What the?!?!?!?!? No ones ever been able to do that to my technique!!!

Piccolo: Hm well looks like were running into alot of firsts today then aren't we?

Ginyu: Urghhhhh... That's the last time i will be humiliated today!

Piccolo: Oh c'mon now don't lie to yourself!


Piccolo: Special Beam Cannon!!!!!

Both blasts are even with eachother!!

Burter: So 3 eyes!!! Are we going to fight or what?

Tien: Hm i don't know how do i know if this isn't some kinda trick again?

Burter: Well I'll just show you then!!! Ballistic Blue Missile Barrage!!!!!!

Tien: UH! Guys move out of the way!!!

Burter: Ahaha!!! Die earthlings!!!

Tien: Super Dodon Ray!!!

Burter dodges the Super Dodon Ray.

Burter: Huh what the? Where did he go?!

Tien charges Burter

Tien: Hiya ya ya ya ya ya ya yaaa!!!

Every shot connecting even harder then the last!

Burter: THAT'S ENOUGH!!! I'm going to finish you off once and for all you puny insolent earthling!!! BLUEEEEEEE HURRI...

Mid attack Tien strikes Burter with his hardest punch. Taking the blue menace down to one knee.

Tien: Now!!! Time for my new attack! Thanks for the inspiration Buu. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

DODAN RAIN!!!!!!!!!

Yamcha: Woah everybody LOOK OUTTTTTT!!!!!!!

Trunks: Woah. That looks exactly like the move Buu used to kill everyone on earth.

Tien: Your end is now burter!!!

Burter: NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Burter trys to dodge but eventually gets struck by one. And another. And is eventually is obliterated by Tien's deadly new ultimate attack!

Tien: Heh. 4 down 2 to go!

Goku: Wow Tien that was amazing good job!!!

Tien: Thanks Goku. Just remember you still owe me a sparring match as well. Heheh.

Goku: Oh trust me i didn't forget about that!

Tien: Heh good.

Piccolo and Ginyus blast are still head too head until the Super Namekian conjured up on last surge of energy and let it all go!


Blast after blast Ginyu got weaker until.

Piccolo: Now this!!! Is the end!!! Double Special Beam Grenade!!!!!!!!!!!

Ginyu: Ohhhh noooo!!! I can't die like this! Im the illustrious Captain Ginyuuuuuuuu!!!! *Begins to disintegrate into the blast*

Piccolo: That's for my Namekian brothers you killed. Heartless Bastard...

Goku: Well looks like you're the last one left Cooler! Against the 10 of us? Your choice.

Cooler Hm well. That's what you think! But when i transform. None of you will be able to stop me.

Vegeta: Ha is that right?!? Well Kakarott now im interested! Why don't we let him transform and see what happens.

Goku: I don't know Vegeta. What if he's not bluffing.

Vegeta: Hm. That's the thrill of being a Saiyan Kakarott you know that as i that he is more powerful then Frieza!

Goku: Ugh... You're right. Okay lets do it! But only us. The rest of you guys have to go! He'll kill you if he's able to transform!

Krillin: No Goku were staying!!!

Tien: Yea were a team remember?

Yamcha: Yea were not just going to sit here and let you have all the fun!

Cooler: Stay or not you all will die once i transform. So. What's it going to be?

Vegeta: Just shut up and transform dammit! You talk just as much as Frieza!

Cooler: Why you little... URGHHHHH.. well you want it?! You got it!

Cooler begins. The transformation.

Goku: Wow!!! This power level is. It's higher then Frieza's!!


With the power surging through Coolers body he finds himself transforming into the evil golden form that Frieza turned into when he almost killed Goku! How will Cooler fend against the Z Fighters in this form? And is it as powerful as he predicts? Well find out next time on Dragon Ball Rai!!!

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