Episode 11

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Last time on Dragon Ball Rai! With Cooler transformed and ready to fight the Z Warriors noticed 5 peculiar space pods entering the atmosphere! It was Coolers armoured squadron! Dore Neizu & Salza! Along with Zarbon and a menacing new foe call Airodod Dodorias younger brother, He had his eyes set out on one of the Z Fighters. It was Vegeta!! Now the Prince Of All Saiyans has to contend with this new warrior and the other Z Warriors have to fend for themselves as the new and improved Armoured Squadron attacks today!!!

Airodod: Now Vegeta! You will feel the wrath of Airodod!!! I've trained my entire life for this moment! Too see the Prince Of All Saiyans die under my hand!

Vegeta: Well well. You are quite serious about this aren't you?

Airodod: You're goddamn right i am you Saiyan trash!!

Vegeta: Well let me remind you something you big purple freak! Your supposive big brother Dodoria had me captive along with him *Points at Zarbon* and that bastard Frieza! A slave against my own will taken from my father and now you?!?!? You really want to fight me?! Because i can promise you that all your training will be a waste! Just like your pathetic existence!!!

Cooler: Oh Vegeta don't go giving a speech. You are just delaying the inevitable!

Vegeta: Hm, the only thing im delaying is your deaths!!! And after im done with this freak if Kakarott hasn't finished you off then i shall!

Cooler: Whatever helps you sleep at night Vegeta.

Vegeta: I'll sleep better knowing that I Vegeta killed the mighty Cooler!

Goku: Wow Vegetas so confident. I don't know if its anger or what. But lets hope it works for our sake. Because the Airodod guy doesn't look like a pushover.

Vegeta: Well! What are you waiting for Airodod?! A written invitation are we going to fight or not?!?

Airodod: Not so fast Vegeta! Were fighting on my terms not yours!

Vegeta: I don't really give a damn who's terms it's on either you start the fight... or i will!

Cooler: Vegeta i should warn you that Airodod is atleast 10 times stronger then anyone on the Ginyu force and almost as strong as Frieza! I've trained him myself.

Vegeta: Well i'll have you know that myself and Kakarott have been trained by the strongest beings in this universe!

Cooler: What?! But who... Oh my Lord. Not him!!!

???: Hm, yes him. Hello Cooler long time no see.

Goku/Vegeta: It's Whis & Beerus?!?!?

Whis: Yes i couldn't help overhearing this little scuffle and i decided to grab Beerus and head on over here.

Beerus: Once again i'm not here to fight unfortunately as i am just an observer.

Cooler: Lord Beerus?! I cannot believe it! This can't be real!!!

Beerus: Oh but it is very truly terrifyingly real!

Now with God Of the Destruction Lord Beerus and Lord Whis on the battlefield will they get in on the action? And how will Vegeta fair against Airodod who is supposedly stronger then Frieza!!! But will the Saiyan Prince be able to hold his own? Or will Vegeta fall to the might of this new Warrior hell bent on revenge for the death of his brother?! Find out next time on the next action packed episode of Dragon Ball Rai!!!

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