Episode 21

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On the last episode of Dragon Ball Rai! With the 3rd installment of the Goku vs. Cooler saga battle underway it seemed that things were seemed too be even until Goku seemed to catch the upperhand and Cooler was slipping out of control he decided too let Goku know that he was holding back! If it wasn't a surprise already so was Goku! So will the Sayian God finally prevail? Or will Coolers new Golden Form breakout into the destructive monster he wants it too be? Find out today!!!

Goku and Cooler connecting shots left and right each one more painful then the last.

Goku: You've done enough damage Cooler! Im sick of seeing innocent lives hindered because of your sick joyride! It ends now!

Cooler: On the contrary Goku. This. Is only the beginning! After I destroy you and kill all your loved ones earth shall be mine!!! Hahaha!!!

Goku begins to charge a barrage of energy shots towards Cooler.

Cooler: You simpleton! You think mere Ki blasts can stop me? You're even more stupid than I thought monkey!

Goku: Hm. Not quite. Why don't you come get me Igloo!

Cooler: Igloo?

Goku: Haha get it? Igloo it's a type of COOLER!!! Hahahahaha

Cooler: ... You're going to have the worst death anyone has ever received.

Goku: Come get me Polar Pop!


Cooler charges Goku and hits a direct shot... Too only find out it was a decoy.

Cooler: What the?

Goku: Hahaaaa it's called the Multi Form! Good luck finding me Freezer Burn!!

Cooler: This isn't a damn game of hide and seek?!?!? Once I get my hands on you monkey I swear you're dead!!!

Goku: Got to catch me first!

Meanwhile the other Z Fighters are hot on the trail with the search of the Dragon Balls.

Piccolo: Gohan there's one right over that hill!

Gohan: Hey it's the 4 star ball! Alright! Only 6 more to go!

Gohan: Piccolo...

Piccolo: What's up Gohan?

Gohan: You know if Dad doesn't make it.. None of us will stand a chance against Cooler.

Piccolo: Hm. That's hard too believe you doubting your own father. And Vegeta is just as strong and you and Goten aren't far off. But honestly. We do have the right too worry. Cooler is more of a threat than Frieza ever was.

Gohan: Urghhh. Im not waiting anymore. Im not going too lose dad again Piccolo! I've got too go help him!

Piccolo: You're not going anywhere Gohan. Goku has this situation under control. If you go you'll only get in the way and slow him down!

Gohan: What the hell are we suppose to do then?!

Piccolo: We find the rest of the Dragon Balls and undo the damage that has been done by Cooler and his men.

Gohan: Alright. Let's get the rest.

Vegeta: AGH where are these stupid Dragon Balls! Ive been searching for hours amd haven't found a single one! Where the devil is that women with that radar when you need it!

???: YOOHOOOOO!!! Guess who!

Vegeta: Oh good god it's Bulma!!! Why is she here!

Bulma: Thought you could use some help!

Vegeta: I don't need your help! The only thing I need is a dragon radar and my sanity. Which both seem impossible to achieve at the moment so I suggest you leave!

Bulma: UGH YOU'RE SUCH A JERK! *Smacks Vegeta* if you'd let me finish! I was just here too drop off the dragon radar. But since you're being such a grump about it I honestly don't feel like you deserve anything!!!

Vegeta: Oh well I didn't know!

Bulma: Apologize.

Vegeta: UH what?! No way!

Bulma: Fine! Then looks like you don't get the radar!

Vegeta: Ugh. This is ridiculous! What did I do too deserve this malarkey!

Bulma: Im leaving now Vegeta. Bye.

Vegeta: WAIT! Ugh... *Gulps* Bulma Im... Im sorry.

Bulma: Hmph. That's better now here's the radar.

Vegeta: Thank you. Now you can leave.

Bulma: Haha alrighty Vegeta just be careful!

Vegeta: Hm. You got it.

Back on the fight it seems that things have heated up but otherwise stayed even among the two warriors.

Goku and Cooler both throwing punches left and right Ki blast after Ki blast.

Goku: Heh looks like your even with me at almost everything! Well almost..

*Cuts himself off mid sentence with an Invisible Eye Blast*

Cooler ducks and looks behind him

Goku: Destruco Disc Barrage!!!

Cooler deflects the first 2 and catches the 3rd one like a frisbee.

Cooler: Hm. You think these little toys you call moves can stop me? HIYA!

Cooler throws the 3rd disc back at full force almost taking Goku's head with it! Thankfully at the last second Goku used instant transmission to get out of there.


Goku appears right behind him and kicks him in the neck and put a Ki Blast right through his stomach! Smoke is everwhere

Goku: Did I... Did I get him?

Cooler: Not quite Sayian!!!

*Cooler charges Goku*

Oh no!!! It seems as that blast too the stomach couldn't put the icy tyrant out of business! Does Goku have what it takes too defeat this monster? Or is Cooler too strong for the Mighty Sayian God? This battle continues on the next episode of Dragon Ball Rai!!!

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