Episode 20

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On the last episode of Dragon Ball Rai! With the mighty warrior Airodod finally put to rest at the hands of the Sayian Prince Vegeta all eyes are on Goku now too see if he can defeat the tyrant known as Cooler! Can Goku once again beat this familiar foe? Or is it third times a charm for the villian? Find out today!!!

Goku: Hey Cooler! We're not fighting here. We're going too go someplace far from here so no one else can get hurt. Also it'll just be you and me! One. Last. Time.

Cooler: Hm. Protective over your loved ones I see. No matter. Once you're dead. I'll have no problem laying waste to these pathetic humans!

Gohan: Dad no!!! Atleast let one of us go with you!

Piccolo: Gohan no. As stubborn as your father may seem at times this time may be his brightest. With him distracting Cooler we can find the Dragon Balls and fix all the damage this monster has done.

Vegeta: As much as it pains me too say it Piccolo is right. Besides none of us would stand a chance right now against Cooler after we all just got done fighting. Your father even though he might just be the biggest imbecilic I ever had the misfortune of meeting, but he is the only one that stands a chance against Cooler.

Krillin: Guys... Do you really think Goku stands a chance?

Piccolo: We can only hope so Krillin. Because if not I don't know if any of us. Hell maybe even all of us combined would even stand a chance against him.

*Cooler and Goku ascend into the sky and begin to fly off*

Gohan: Be careful DAD!!!

Piccolo: You better beat him Goku. You're our only hope.

Vegeta: Well. What the hell are we waiting for a written invitation?! Lets start looking for those Dragon Balls!

Piccolo: C'mon Gohan, lets go. You're dad knows what he's doing. He'll be fine.

Gohan: I hope so.

*The other's leave in search for the Dragon Balls*

Goku: Alright this is a good enough spot.

*Goku and Cooler Descend*

Cooler: This is quite fitting isn't it don't you think? The Mighty Sayian Warrior dying... Alone.

Goku: Heh. Who said anything about me dying? If anything you'll be lucky if I feel like sparing your life today or not & let me tell you right now with this little attitude you got going on right now you're not helping your case at all.

Cooler: Spare my life? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Stupid monkey! You'll be lucky if you'll be alive long enough to regret those words that came out of that non sensible mouth of yours. Didn't anyone tell you that thing would get you in trouble someday?

Goku: Hm. You know you're right. They did tell me. But guess what? I didn't listen.

*Instant Transmission behinds Cooler and kicks him in the neck*

Cooler: Agh! What the hell was tha... Was that a cheapshot?!

Goku: No. Let's just call it the first shot. HIYAAAAAAAA

*Goku charges Cooler*

*Punches and Kicks left and right*

Cooler: You've seem to have grown considerably stronger since the last time we battled Goku!

Goku: Heh looks like you haven't been doing too bad yourself.

Cooler: Hm. Now let's cut the semantics here and get to the real fight.

Goku: I thought you'd never ask!

*Both warriors begin to power up*

*The other Z - Warriors stop in the distance*

Piccolo: UH. Oh my god! Is that... Is that Goku?

Uub: This is insane amount's of power! I didn't know Goku had that much in him!

Vegeta: That's not just Kakarott... Cooler is powering up as well. And it seems that he is also equally as powerful as Kakarott.

Gohan: Cooler is going too end up like Frieza. Just watch.

Vegeta: Hm. Unlike Frieza, Cooler knows how too handle his opponent's. He takes his time and studies the moves. Kakarott better stay on his feet or Cooler is going to demolish him.

As the two end the powering up all the smoke clears and in the midst is two auras. One blue & the other is gold.

Goku: Huh. So I guess you weren't bluffing after all. You can also transform into this golden state like Frieza.

Cooler: Yes but unlike that fool I actually know how to control my powers and that my friend is something that is an advantage to me and a very big disadvantage for you. So you can give up now and spare the humiliation that shall be brought upon you if you decide to go through with this.


Cooler: Don't say I didn't warn you Goku. Hope you said your goodbye's too your friends and family because I can assure you right now that was the last time you'll ever see them.

Goku: Don't make a promise you know you can't keep Cooler.

*Cooler starts to get frustrated*

Cooler: Enough with the chitchat. Let the battle resume!

As both men charge too each other who has the upper hand? Can Goku best the ice cold tyrant one last time? Or can Cooler freeze the Sayian God right as things are starting to heat up? All these questions answered and more on the next episode of Dragon Ball Rai!!!

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