t h r e e

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It's been an hour since I arrived in the police department, sitting on a comfy chair in this small office, sipping from the glass of water, that was given to me.

They took a blood sample and made a run for it.

My only worry is that they would send me back to them.

Before I could continue my self pity the door opened and a woman in her mid 30's came in. Softly smiling at me, she placed a notebook and a pen in front of me.

Takin a seat at the other side of the table, in front of me, she started speaking, "So as you know we took a DNA test and it turns out you indeed have relatives. You have your brothers. We contacted them, and your eldest brother, your guardian, agreed to take custody of you. He send someone and they will be here any moment. Do you know about your brothers, Yawa?"

Of course she would ask that. With a huff, I grabbed the pen and started writing.


Before she could say anything about my attitude the door once opened again, and in came a tall build man in his 50's.

With wide eys, I starred at him, only one thought running through my head.

He came.

Big Levi.

But it was then when I saw the hatred in his eyes.

Crushing down to reality I got my emotions under control and narrowed my eyes at him instead.

Sensing the tension between me and Levi, the woman cleared her throat, "Yawa I think it's time for you to leave, and sir, Yawa is selectively mute."

Still glaring at big Levi, I saw the confusion running through his eyes.

"Yawa, I wish you best of luck in the future. If something happens, you can always reach out to me." She handed me her card and I nodded with a small smile to show my gratitude.

Standing up I slowly made my way to big Levi,who still hasn't spoken a word. Making sure we still have some distance, I stood still with my arms crossed, waiting for him to leave so we can hurry up.

But instead he made his way to me, giving me a weird look, he grabbed my suitcase and turned around heading outside to the car.

I hate hi-

"Come on, I won't wait for you," He yelled, rushing outside.

Why are men so tall anyways?

With a huff I quickly waved goodbye to the nice lady and followed big Levi.

Stepping out of the police department, we headed to a black car.

"You're sitting in the back." With that he opened the drivers door, throwing my dear suitcase in the back, while taking a seat.

I quickly opened the door to the back seats, and sat down. Not wasting another second big Levi pulled out the parking lot and began driving to the airport.


After taking a seat in the plane, and furiously shaking my head at big Levi when he offered me some food, I fell asleep. After being in the air for 14 hours and me sleeping all the time, I felt someone shaking me awake.

"Wake up, we are landing soon." It was big Levi, he was glaring at me and I couldn't help but feel hurt deep inside of me.

He really does hate me.


After landing, and heading to the car, we were driving in silence. Big Levi was glancing at me here and then but I ignored him.

Another five hours passed, and we arrived at the mansion, which used to be my home once.


Getting out of the car, we headed towards the door.
Me hesitating, and him practically running towards it.
I huffed annoyed when he rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer the door.

I never wanted to die this bad.

The door opened and there he stood in his suit and full glory, glaring at me with an emotionless face.

My oldest brother.

Verenzio fucking Varni.



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