e i g h t e e n

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The doubts had been simmering for weeks, a low murmur that occasionally bubbled to the surface. They tried to hide it, but I saw it in their eyes, heard it in their whispers when they thought I wasn't listening. A sixteen-year-old girl leading a gang? It was laughable to them.

Today, I would prove them wrong.

The warehouse was cold and dark, the perfect setting for the meeting I had called. The Kaea crew gathered in a loose circle, their expressions a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Katrin stood off to the side, her loyalty unwavering, but even she couldn't shield me from the weight of their doubt.

I took a deep breath, feeling the familiar tightness in my throat. Speaking was not my strength, but my silence had always been my power. Instead of words, I let my actions and my plans speak for me.

I unrolled the blueprints on the table, the sound of the paper commanding attention. The murmurs stopped as I pointed to the National Bank layout, highlighting the key areas with quick, precise movements.

Katrin took the cue. "We've got a job," she announced with a wicked laugh, echoing my thoughts. "A big one. The National Bank is transferring a large sum of cash and assets in two days. Security will be tight, but Yawa has found a way in."

I walked them through the plan, pointing out the weak spots in the bank's defenses, the timing of the guards' shifts, and the escape routes. I could see the skepticism fading, replaced by a grudging respect.

Riko, one of the members, crossed his arms and leaned back, a sneer on his lips. "And how does she know all this?" he asked, directing his question to Katrin but looking straight at me. "She's just a kid. How do we know she's not just making this up?"

The challenge hung in the air, the tension thickening. I could feel the eyes of the crew on me, waiting to see how I would respond. I met Riko's gaze, my jaw tightening. Slowly, deliberately, I stepped forward until I was standing directly in front of him. The room fell silent, the crew holding their breath.

Riko's smirk faded as I stood there, my eyes locked on his. Without warning, I struck. A swift, precise punch to his gut doubled him over, followed by a sharp knee to his face that sent him sprawling to the floor. Gasps echoed around the room, but I didn't stop. I moved with a deadly efficiency, pinning him down and pressing my forearm against his throat.

Riko struggled, his eyes wide with shock and fear. I held him there, my expression cold and unyielding. I didn't need words to convey my message to anyone.

doubt me again, and this will be the least of your worries.

Katrin stepped forward, hands on her hips as she spoke in a surprisingly calm voice. "Anyone else have any doubts about Yawa's leadership?"

The silence was deafening. Slowly, I released Riko and stood up, my gaze sweeping over the crew. I could see the respect growing in their eyes, the grudging acceptance turning into genuine belief.

I pulled out a small device from my jacket and held it up for everyone to see. I scribbled a few words on a piece of paper and held it up: "State-of-the-art jammer. It'll knock out their communications and alarms long enough for us to get in and out."

The crew nodded, their confidence in me solidified.

Katrin stepped in, reinforcing the plan. "We hit the bank in two days," she chirped happily. "Be ready."

As the meeting broke up, Katrin walked over, a proud grin on her face. "You did good, Yawa. They're starting to get it."

I nodded, feeling the tension in my shoulders ease. I scanned the warehouse, seeing my crew in a new light. They were starting to see me for who I was, not just my age or my silence. This job would prove once and for all that I deserved to lead the Kaea gang.

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