s i x t e e n

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??? POV:

Jake was my friend, but what he did to that poor girl... I can't live with myself knowing I didn't do anything to stop him. I can't believe I was okay with the horrible things he did to her. I can't believe how much I've caused her pain. 

Her brothers are ruthless. If they find out about the abuse and how their parents died at Jake's hands, they wil kill anyone who took part in Jake's doings. And if that means killing me as well in the process... well, then so be it.

I have everything recorded on a phone - chat logs between me and Jake exposing all of his horrible deeds; videos of him abusing her; even proof that he killed her parents just to keep her silent about everything he did to her when she was little more than a child herself..There is no way they could deny any of this once presented with evidence like this..

Now I'm 6 feet deep and I can't breathe

I got dirt in my eyesAnd blood on my sleevesBut I dig my way upThrough these roots and leavesSo I can get some airSo I can finally breatheAnd now I'm on my kneesOh baby begging please

I stared at the wall, my mind racing with a thousand thoughts, none of them making sense. I'd lost track of time, days blending together into never-ending darkness. The only light came from the flickering fluorescent bulb above, casting eerie shadows on the walls of my bedroom.

I'd given up trying to shower. My skin was dry and cracked, my hair matted and filthy. I hadn't eaten in weeks, not that I could remember. The thought of food made my stomach churn with nausea.

My eyes felt like sandpaper, gritty and dry. I rubbed them with my fists, but it only made things worse. The ache in my head was a constant companion, throbbing like a drumbeat in my temples.

I'd lost count of how many days it had been since I'd seen another human being. Months? Years? Time had lost all meaning. I was trapped in this endless cycle of isolation, with only my own thoughts to keep me company.

I started to pace, my feet shuffling across the cold floor. The room was a mess, papers and trash scattered everywhere. I'd lost all sense of order, all sense of self.

I stopped pacing and stared at the wall again. My mind was a jumble of thoughts, none of them making sense. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat.

I felt like I was losing my mind.

I started to laugh, the sound low and menacing. It was a sound that sent shivers down my own spine.

I was going crazy.

I laughed again, louder this time. The sound echoed off the walls, making me feel like I was trapped in a never-ending nightmare.

I stumbled forward, my hands grasping at the air. I fell to the floor, laughing hysterically.

I didn't know how much longer I could keep going on like this.

But for now, it was all I knew.

I laughed some more, the sound growing louder and more manic.

I stopped laughing, my chest heaving with exhaustion. I lay on the floor, my eyes scanning the room, searching for... something. Anything.

And then, I saw him.


My best friend, my confidant, my partner in crime. He stood in the doorway, a smirk spreading across his face. His eyes were cold and calculating, just like they had been when he was alive.

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