f i v e

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"Come here and let's fly to the moon" The unicorn said in front of me, making me nod eagerly.

"Wake up and get ready"

Ehhh? Am I not ready to fly yet?

"Come on wake up!"


Jolting awake with wide eyes and a pounding heart, I look over to see big Levi standing in front of the doorway with an annoyed expression.

"I've called you for the past five minutes. You have school."

Of course he would.

Now awake and fully aware what even is going on, I stand up, stumble across the room, completely ignoring his presence, and go into the bathroom, which fortunately is attached to my room.

I heard him grumble and then the closing of some door.

Undressing slowly in the bathroom to take a shower, I let out a quiet groan. The injury on my stomach still hurt and was sore. Turning slightly around I saw a mirror, slowly approaching it to see myself for the first time since I came here, I couldn't help but feel icky.

What I saw though completely numbed me. My appearance didn't belong in this perfect bathroom. Whilst the bathroom was beautiful and clean, I was the complete opposite. My stomach had an ugly bruise in a dark purple shade, giving me goosebumps. On my forearm, too, was a bruise in a dark blue shade, almost taking a purple color.  My eyes moved from my unshaven legs, which were covered with some bruises here and there. Luckily they were healing nicely and not hurting as much as they used too. My pale skin didn't help much hiding the bruises. I was lucky enough not to have any scars on my body. 

Betouching my head until I found my scar, I scratched it. I remember Jake smashing my head against the cast radiator. It bleed so much, that he dragged me to a hospital so they could glue my head back together. That was the first and last time I've seen him being so nice.

Shaking the thoughts away, I turned around and hopped into the shower, not wanting to be late on my first day. With the hot water burning and hurting on my skin, I cleaned, shaved, and rubbed myself clean before getting out. I went over to the walk-in closet and dressed into the only baggy jeans I owned, and a black sweatshirt, pairing them with my old sneakers.
It was now that I realized something.

I don't have any school supplies other than a few pencils and a notebook. Eh?

Rummaging through my room for five whole minutes, I found a backpack.
My old backpack.
A pink backpack with Disney princesses on it. Letting out a grunt of disapproval, I quickly shoved the few things in there and made my way out of my room.

I would lie, if I say I'm not anxious or nervous. Trying to suppress these feelings, I stepped into the hallway. It was 7:30am, yet I still hear people talking loudly downstairs. My brothers. Biting the inside of my cheek I debated with myself whether I should go downstairs or not.


I spun around to the right side of my door. One door down I meet the same pair of brown eyes as mine.
"Fuck you looking at freak?" He growled, making me wide my eyes in surprise.
Freak? Is that what he sees in me? A freak?
Pressing my lips together, I cut the eye contact and looked at the ground. Exactly 34 seconds passed before he clicked his tongue and went downstairs, wearing nothing but sweatpants.

I waited another 24 seconds before I slowly made my way downstairs, while coming up with a plan to avoid seeing any of my brothers.

I'll just run out and wait for big Levi outside.

Halfway downstairs I took a breath and focused on the door, my goal. To reach the door I had to pass the kitchen, which makes it harder. But I've always been good at running.

How ironic.

Darting through the, long-ass good for nothing, halfway, and successfully passing the kitchen, I grabbed the door handle, my free-

"Yawa. Where are you going? The garage is the other way." Big Levi yelled, making the mansion go dead silent.  I turned around to see big Levi standing next to Verenzio, both wearing suits and their attention on me. In fact, everyone's eyes and attention shifted towards me in a matter of three seconds. The silence and attention is suffocating and makes me feel anxious.

"Yawa let's go." Levi sighed and mentioned me to follow him. Grabbing the straps of my backpack tightly, I focused my gaze on the ground and went back to the kitchen to follow him. Feeling their gazes burning on my neck as I made my way pass the dining table, where all were sat at. Three seats were empty. My parents and mine.

Getting out of the kitchen and into a new hallway I let out the breath I was holding.

"Come on," big Levi grunted before going through a door, what seems like to be the garage.

Walking in I was greeted with many many cars. 

Many expensive and fancy ones.

Following Levi we soon got into a black Mercedes.

Not wasting any more time we drove off to my new school. I soon drifted into my own thoughts. I don't know how much time passed but I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder, flinching away from his touch, I slapped his hand away.

Reverting his hands, big Levi glared at me. 

"Get out of my damn car."


Stepping out of the car, he immediately pulled out the parking lot and drove off.

Looking in front of me I saw a bunch of kids staring at me. Behind them a school.

My new highschool.

Lord save me.



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