t w e l v e

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I wish to have the good old days back.

I wish mommy and daddy would be alive and with me forever.

Blowing out the one candle in the muffin, I stare at it.  Lost in my thoughts. Might have been a minute or a century, I wouldn't know.

"Yawa, you're still here? I told you, your shift is over. No need to stay extra. It's already past ten, you should rest and enjoy your weekend the next two days," Madeline sweetly spoke as soon as she entered in the back of her cafe.

Two months have passed and she was the only person, apart from Jared, who really cared about me. I spend my time after school here, baking. I would do other jobs but baking is the easiest and most fun part I would do. Madeline knew too, that's why she would let me bake for the customers, whilst she would serve them with the other coworkers.

Madeline is a kind woman, who loves kids. Sadly she doesn't have any kids of her own as she isn't able to get any. She always scolds me for not eating too much, hence why she lets me eat all the cake and muffin. Her round figure and her fluffy brown bob haircut fits the image of a cafe owner really good.

Nodding at her I grab my embarrassing school bag, before leaving with a smile and a little wave. Stepping out the cafe my smile falters and I slowly make my way back to the house I want to burn down. I don't make it far before the familiar person steps out the alley. Alone for once.

"Look who we have here! The prom queen of the night," bastard whispers in my ear, putting his arm around my shoulder. I try to shrug it off but his grip is too strong.

"Happy birthday by the way! You're turning 16 right? Great! I have a surprise for you! It'll be an amazing night," he snickered before dragging me in the opposite direction of my bed. 

Trying to move out of his grip and run away from him, he tightens his hold on my shoulders and continues to drag me down the street.

"Kids nowadays don't have any manners, fucking behave and do as I say. Don't embarrass me Yawa bitch," he growls

It would be an understatement to say I wasn't panicking to the core of my existence.


Bastard, who had brought me here cackled with glee, clearly entertained by the idea of watching me get beaten senseless. "Happy birthday, kiddo!" he exclaimed, pushing me into the ring, sprinting away, and disappearing in the crowd.

I was left standing alone, wide eyed facing the woman who loomed over me like the Big Ben. My heart was racing in my chest, and my mind was screaming at me to get out of there, but my legs felt like lead.

The woman took a step closer, her eyes never once leaving mine. "You're going to regret coming here," she spat.

I tried to raise my hands in defense, but they were slow and clumsy. The woman laughed, a cold, hard sound, and swung at me with a vicious precision. I tried to dodge, but she was too fast, too strong. She hit me again and again, each blow landing with an ugly thud.

The last thing I remember is feeling her foot connect with my stomach, sending me crashing to the ground. 

My head hits the ground and I feel blood rushing down, opening my eyes I met the same brown eyes staring at me trying to hide the smirk forming on his face. The corners of his mouth lifting up on their own. He did a poor job hiding it.

In the crowd with many people. In the crowd full of criminals, in the underground full of people who have blood of other people on their hands. In the crowd full of cheering people, he stood there. Arms crossed, pleasure dripping from his eyes as we make eye contact.

Everything goes black as I fall unconscious, unable to escape the brutal beating from that woman.

The image of Mason never leaving.


I woke up to the sound of my own ragged breathing. My eyes fluttered open, and I was met with the bleakness of the cold, dull ground of the ring. My body aching from the beating. I tried to move, but my muscles felt like lead weights.

I looked around, taking in the desolate surrounding. The walls were damp and gray, and the only light came from a flickering bulb above. The air was thick with the stench of sweat and fear.

The crowd was filled laughters and joys. They were laughing at me, pointing at me. Enjoying the view in front of them.

My eyes landed on the woman who had beaten me senseless. She was standing over me, her face showed a cruel grin.

Before I could do anything her face twisted and my surroundings changed.

Cold sweat running down my face.

I lay there, unable to move and unable to escape. The darkness closed in around me, suffocating me.

I am alone.

I am lost.

I am trapped.

I am nothing.

And I laid there, on Jakes' old kitchen floor. His figure towering over me. Blood dripping from his knuckles. His chuckles filled the cold dead air around us. 

And suddenly I saw myself on the ground, I saw him and the men entering his house.

I saw the men, their faces twisted with pleasure, their eyes gleaming with excitement. They were watching me, waiting for me to wake up, waiting for me to beg for mercy. I saw Jake laughing like a madman.

I saw myself being pulled towards them, towards the horrors that awaited me. I saw the chains, the ropes, the whips. I saw the pain and the suffering.

I saw myself being torn apart, piece by piece, until there was nothing left. I saw myself being reduced to nothing more than a broken shell of a human being.

And in that moment, I knew that I was gone. There never was a chance of me surviving.

Yet I had to do it.

Somehow I needed to.

For the sake of my parents.

With that last thought I felt myself getting pulled into the darkness even deeper.

I'll make them pay.

One day.




Haha what a great day, no?

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