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Not only do I own a phone but there was money on it. A lot of money. This is the first time in my whole life that I owned something. Not only do I have the chance to buy food now, but I can listen to my deadly missed music. I don't know why Marlon gave me that phone and headphones. I doubt he gave me this without a reason. If that even was his idea. They hate me, I wouldn't be surprised if they planned something to ruin me.

I am currently sitting in my math class, the phone tightly clutched in my hands under the desk. It is my last period before lunch would start. I'm thinking about buying something to eat and get the hell out of the cafeteria as soon as I finish. The one thing I've learned about the two days of school is that no one, literally no one likes me. Quite frankly they might actually hate me. My face morphed into a scowl thinking about all the glares and mumbling shot my way by the pathetic excuse of filthy rich students around me. It was annoying the hell out of me.

My thoughts got interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing. Shooting up from my chair, grabbing my things, throwing them into my bag and ignoring the pain, I ran out the door. Making my way to the cafeteria I silently prayed to be the first one in line. Arriving there I let out a sigh seeing that a girl was already happily ordering her food. Stepping closer, I patiently waited for my turn, ignoring the students strolling in and bulking their eyes out watching me.

Finally ordering, more like pointing at a chocolate croissant until that woman understood, I payed and silently made my way out the cafeteria.

I carefully made my way through the crowded cafeteria, clutching my chocolate croissant tightly in my hand. I was so focused on not dropping it that I didn't see her coming until it was too late.

With a loud thud, I bumped into her, causing my croissant to fall to the ground. I looked up to see a blond girl standing in front of me, a look of disgust on her face.

"Watch where you're going, freak," she sneered, taking a step back as if I was ruining her with my mere presence.

Nodding my head nonchalantly, I bent down to pick up my now squished croissant, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me.

As I straightened up, I noticed the whole cafeteria was silently watching us, some though were snickering at the scene. 

"So aren't you going to apologize to Brianna?" one of her minions behind her squeaked. Glaring at her I took a step back and turned around, facing the exit. 

"The fuck is wrong with you?" another minion growled stepping forward to grab my arm but I was quicker as I rushed out the cafeteria and into the restroom. Locking myself up, I slumped on the floor letting out a long breath of relief. I don't usually have good experiences with encounters like that. Now having lost all the appetite, I put the squished chocolate croissant in my bag and leaned my head against the cabinet.

I was about to take my headphones out and listen to my favorite song when I heard the door slamming open. Several footsteps were followed soon after.

I crouched down inside the small cabinet, trying to make myself as small as possible.

"Where is that bitch? I know you're in here, come out you fucking mute freak," Brianna roared into the restroom, kicking the cabinet I was inside. She kept insulting me as she repeatedly kicked that door.

The taunts and insults echoed in my head, but I stayed silent. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching and the sound of giggling growing louder. Before I could react, doors from another cabinet swung open and cold water was thrown over me, drenching me from head to toe.

The shock of the icy water made me gasp, sending shivers down my spine. I clenched my fists, trying to hold back tears as the girls erupted into laughter.

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