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I opened my eyes and saw the green glass shards gleaming in the food in front of me. My heart pounded in fear as I looked up at the sadistic face of the person forcing me to eat it.

"Please, I can't... It'll hurt," I whimpered, but the harsh grip on my arm only tightened.

"You'll eat it and you'll like it, you little brat," he snarled, shoving a spoonful of the deadly mixture towards my mouth.

I closed my eyes and tried to hold back the tears as I forced myself to chew and swallow. The sharp shards cut my mouth and throat, causing me to gag and cough.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, like I was choking on the glass. But I had no choice but to keep eating, to keep obeying, or else who knows what he would do to me.

As I finally managed to finish the horrible meal, tears streamed down my cheeks and I felt a deep sense of terror and hopelessness wash over me as I locked eyes with him. I didn't understand why he was doing this to me, why he was punishing me. All lead to this because I didn't serve him his beer. He had a glass shattered and mixed into his ordered food, forcing me to eat it. 

"Who told you to stop brat? Eat all of it, don't let a crumble left on that damn plate, ya hear me?" 

Terrified, I violently shook my head, as a result he grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me up, his grip leaving bruises on my skin.

"You think you can defy me, little girl?" he sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "You will eat what I give you, and you will do it without question."

He grabbed the mixture of glass and food with his bare hands and shoved it into my mouth. I gagged as the sharp edges of the glass cut my tongue and cheeks, causing blood to mix with the vile taste of the food. 

I struggled against his grip, trying to spit out the dangerous concoction, but it was futile. Jake laughed at my futile attempts to resist, enjoying himself in my suffering.

Hot tears streamed down my face, a mixture of pain and anger building inside me. How could someone be so cruel, so heartless?  With all the strength I had left, I bit down hard on his hand that forced the glass and food into my mouth.

He let out a cry of pain and retreated his hand back. Glaring at me he slowly approached me. He was so close, I could smell his breath, reeking of alcohol and drugs.

"You better run little girl, run or I might kill you. Run now and I'll let you off with only thirty broken bones. You have ten seconds. Run little girl, RUN," Jake yelled.

Not wasting another second I turned around and ran away.

I jolted awake, gasping for breath as cold sweat coated my skin. My heart pounded in my chest as I stood up from the dimly lit bathroom floor and rushed over to the toilet seat to throw up everything I ate in the past 72 hours. Which honestly wasn't much. I was still naked and now shivering.

Slowly trying to stand up on my unsteady legs, I jumped into the shower and rubbed myself clean from my sweat coated skin. 

I entered my bedroom and went straight into my closet to grab some clothes. I wouldn't be able to sleep anymore after this. Glazing over the clothes my eyes lingered on the clothes in the very corner. I still haven't touched mom's clothes. I don't know why they were here but it felt wrong to wear them. 

Grabbing a pair of grey joggers and an oversized hoodie, I went into my bedroom again to search the only pair of underwear that I owned. 

Fully dressed, I opened the balcony to let in some fresh air as my whole room reeks of vomit. 

Turning around I let out a yelp. My whole body is aching and paining from previous nights beating. Grabbing two painkillers and shoving the rest of the bottle into my bag, I stumbled over to my sink and gulped the pills down with water. I could've used the bottle of water on my desk but I don't trust them, who knows maybe they poisoned it with rat poisen or something. The painkillers weren't that strong but they did their job pretty good. Sighing I walked out and slumped down on the balcony floor leaning on the fence on the right side of the balcony.

Gazing over the view in front of me I couldn't help but adore the big yard they have. The luminous sunrise shined down on the meadow of various species of flowers and apple trees. It was breathtaking and I enjoyed the view. I felt at ease to have something enjoyable in this horrible nightmare of never ending darkness and pain.

Closing my eyes I took breath and let the fresh morning air flow through my body and soul, calming me down. The cool breeze of morning air was the only thing keeping me somewhat calm. I've always enjoyed the early mornings as nightmares were a common occurrence.

As I took another big breath of fresh air, I inhaled the scent of smoke. Slowly opening my eyes I turned my head slightly to the right to find the source of smoke only to be met with a pair of legs. Looking up I met the same pair of eyes as mine.  Both of his arms were resting on the fence above me. Holding a joint between his fingers on one hand as he looked at me through bored eyes. Flicking the filtered end of his joint the ash fell down on my face.

"Woopsie daisy, my bad," he smirked down on me, moving the joint back to his lips as he took another drag, never once breaking the eye contact. Letting out a huff I wiped the ash from my face and got some distance between us both. I wouldn't let him ruin my morning.

"Oh I remembered something, wait here..." Marlons voice drifted off when he returned to his room, with the joint still between his lips. He returned moments later and sat down on the hard ground, facing me. His joint was replaced with a box in his hand. 

"Give me your hand," he demanded, sticking his hand out in between the fence and holding it out. As a result I moved further away.

'He'll break your bones. He'll break your whole hand in one single move Yawa.'

Marlon must've gotten the memo. He retreated his hand and simply slid the box through the fence.

"That's your new phone along with some headphones in there. I already set everything up for you. You should go to school," he dryly spoke. Standing up he went into his room not sparing me any more than a glance.

Getting the phone and headphone out the box, I turned on the phone and realized I only had thirty minutes before school would start. Panicking I quickly got up, got dizzy, and grabbed my stuff and darted out the room. 



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