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Not only did she, much to my dismay, come back but she is mute. Selectively mute. 

It's pissing me off. She stepped into our life again as if she didn't take everything from us.  Who would've thought that the innocent little baby girl would turn out to be the murder of her own parents?

It pissed me off how she still had this innocent expression on her face. That expression that was way too innocent to be true. Almost as if she was faking it, as if she knew something that we didn't. As if she wasn't a murderer.

Her eyes though.. they don't  hold back the hatred she has towards us as we do towards her. She wasn't afraid to show us what she felt. As if we couldn't break her fragile figure. Her raven hair did grow a lot and needed a haircut. Her bangs covered half of her face hiding her eyes most of the time, if she wasn't facing the floor. She's a dwarf standing next to Levi with her 5'5ft figure. We all were over 5'9ft tall making her the shortest in the family. It wasn't because my mother or father were short. She simply was too thin. Her body wasn't growing like it should at her age. 

She isn't family and she'll never be part of this family, so why should I care? Hell she doesn't even have what it takes to be part of this family.

With a grown I went through my hair and gazed out the window, at the stars. I was plumped in my office alongside with Ramirez, Mason and Marlon. They all were sitting on the couch in the corner of the office, whilst I am sitting on the lounge chair. We didn't talk to one another as we simply sat in silence, gazing out into the night. Romeo and Ricardo were stepping out of the car and rushing towards the house, nothing unusual. 

Another two minutes passed until I saw the small figure making its way towards the door. 


It was too dark to actually see her face but it was no doubt her. She was slightly limping but I paid no mind to that as I was curious what she was doing the whole time for her to come back in the middle of the night.

"You guys saw her too right?" Marlon mumbled into the silent room.

"What does it matter if I saw her or not? I don't care what she's doing." I snarled, turning my head to look at Marlon only to see my two youngest brothers standing in the doorframe.

Raising my eyebrows I gave them a questioning look,

 "What do you both want, Ricario? Romeo? We are busy."

Ricardo stepped forward into the room looking slightly out of breath. 

"Ther...There's a rumor going on, Verenzio. It's about Yawa."

Ramirez snorted, "Since when do you, do any of us, care about Yawa and the rumors surrounding her? She's as useless as an ant. We should step on her."

"No you don't understand, it involves the mafia." Romeo spoke up. 

Now that had my full attention.

"Speak Ricario." I insisted, knowing where this was going.

"I was at the bar with Romeo and some of the Spanish were also gathered in there. I've heard it from the Spanish. They were so invested in the conversation that they didn't mind us eavesdropping. They mentioned how the Russian mafia was planning something big with her. Something dangerous is going on."

The room, once again, fell silent. The tension was suffocating. We all knew what that meant. The Russians are our enemies. Why would someone like her be involved with the Russians? Is she trying to kill kill us too?

"Fuck I'll kill that bitch," Mason sneered. He was boiling. Mason never talked much but he was the most impulsive one. Unlike his twin- Maron- he got mad easily and loved the way he could beat up people. As a result he was quite often in the underground fighting people off as a way to let his anger out. Maron on the other hand spent his time in front of the screen, serene as always. Speaking of screen.

"Maron, did you put that tracker in her phone yet?" I enquirer, ignoring masons outburst.

Clearing his throat Maron didn't meet my gaze, "She doesn't own a phone.." He mumbled

"So what? Better for us. Buy her one and put the tracker in there before handing it to her. If she's really involved with these bastards then it's probably good for us to track her." I explained.

"We could just ki-"

"I think that's enough Mason. Don't touch her, we need to figure out what she's planning. You can't just go ahead and kill everyone, the Russians might attack us. Alright?" I interrupted him.

Being the furious person he is, he stormed out of the room, soon followed by Maron. 

"Ricardo you can go. Romeo you too. But do me a favor and stop skipping school, it's your last year and you have to keep an eye on Yawa for me. I'll need to inform your cousins as well. The more eyes on her, the more informations for me." nodding towards the youngest of my brothers I indicated them to leave the room.

"Ramirez, do you think she killed him?"

"I wouldn't be surprised. That girl is capable of doing that. Truly scary. At such a young age being the killer of more than one person.." 

Ramirez sighed and I just sat there thinking about his words. Why do we keep her here when she has her hands stained with the blood of her parents?

"Maybe it's time to send her to juvenile, Ramirez."

The night didn't seem so bad anymore.

Perhaps that's the best choice for her. For a murder. 



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