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The hall of Verenzio's mansion, draped in opulent elegance, was filled with a heavy silence. The Varni family, dressed in their finest attire, had gathered in response to an urgent and somber summons. Verenzio stood at the head of the room, his tailored black suit impeccable, a solemn expression on his face. His brothers flanked him, their faces equally grave.

Uncle Alejandro Varni, in a dark navy suit, sat with his wife Melanie, who wore a shimmering emerald-green gown. Their sons—Alex, Cole, Elijah, Noah, and Lucas—were scattered among the chairs, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. Aunt Eliz Varni, stunning in a floor-length sapphire dress, sat beside her husband Rahim, who wore a tailored suit that matched her attire. Their sons—Ace, Kevin, Oliver, Liam, and Gustavo—occupied the other side of the room, their eyes fixed on Verenzio.

The anticipation in the room was palpable as Verenzio cleared his throat, commanding attention. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice," he began, his tone grave. "We have uncovered some truths about our family's past that are both shocking and deeply painful."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle over the room. Melanie's hand instinctively gripped Alejandro's, her knuckles white. Eliz shifted uneasily in her seat, her eyes darting to her husband Rahim, who nodded for her to remain calm.

Verenzio gestured to Marlon, who sat at a laptop connected to a large screen. The screen flickered to life, displaying a paused video of Jake and a much younger Yawa. Gasps and murmurs rippled through the family as they recognized the faces on the screen.

"We received a package containing these videos and chat logs," Verenzio continued. "What you are about to see is the truth behind our parents' deaths and the unimaginable suffering Yawa endured."

Marlon pressed play, and the room was plunged into a sickening silence as the first video played. Jake's voice, filled with venom and hatred, echoed through the hall as he abused Yawa, recounting how he had killed their parents out of jealousy. The camera operator's cruel laughter punctuated the scenes, each one more horrifying than the last. Family members watched in stunned silence, some covering their mouths in horror, others weeping openly.

Melanie clutched Alejandro's arm, her body shaking with sobs. Alejandro's face was a mask of disbelief and fury, his eyes fixed on the screen. Alex, Cole, Elijah, Noah, and Lucas sat in stunned silence, their faces pale. Eliz buried her face in her hands, her shoulders heaving as Rahim tried to comfort her. Ace, Kevin, Oliver, Liam, and Gustavo exchanged horrified glances, their young faces reflecting the shock and betrayal.

By the time the final video played, showing Yawa's most harrowing moments and Jake's threats to kill the brothers if she ever spoke out, the room was awash in tears. Verenzio took a deep breath, fighting to maintain his composure.

"Jake manipulated us all," he said, his voice cracking. "He made us believe that Yawa was responsible for our parents' deaths, but it was him all along. He did this out of jealousy and hatred, and Yawa suffered because of it."

The chat logs were displayed next, revealing Jake's malicious messages to his accomplice. The words further cemented the reality of his twisted actions, and the extent of Yawa's suffering became even clearer. The family members exchanged looks of disbelief and sorrow, their hatred and blame for Yawa transforming into guilt and regret.

Verenzio's voice softened as he addressed the room. "We were wrong. We let our anger and grief blind us to the truth. Yawa endured so much pain and fear, and we turned our backs on her when she needed us the most."

A moment of realization washed over the family. How had they ever believed that a five-year-old could kill her own parents? The absurdity of it struck them hard. Melanie's sobs grew louder, her tears flowing freely as she clung to Alejandro. "Oh my God," she cried. "How could we have been so blind? That poor girl..."

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