e l e v e n

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A day has passed since the accident in school. I didn't go yesterday. Instead, I went shopping and searching for a job. I bought the same exact phone they got me, along with a new laptop, clothes, and a lot of food. I felt uneasy to use the phone they got me. Though I was lucky enough to find a credit card in the phone case when I took it off from the old phone. True I did tell myself I wouldn't use anything from them but with my current state I needed money. Until I earn enough money I wouldn't be able to take care of myself without this credit card.

 As for the job, I got lucky since the cafe three roads away was searching for employment. The woman, who was running the small cafe, is a sweet lady in her 50s who told me to come over after school. She'll show me around and explain everything. 

My ribs were still hurting but slightly better than the last days. I just ho-

"mademoiselle Varni, pouvez-vous expliquer la guerre entre l'Allemagne et la France?" snapping out of my thoughts I turned my head away from the window and looked at my French teacher. She was patiently waiting for an answer. The heat rushing into my face, I shook my head.

She scolded me, told me to listen,and turned around and shook her head in disapproval. Students are looking at me snickering, as usual. 

Soon the bell rang indicating the beginning of lunch. I've learned my lesson and bought my food earlier with the excuse I had to use the restroom.

So, with no rush, I took my time standing up. Slowly but surely I made my way out of the room and into the hallway.

Keeping my head low I walked towards the restroom, like the loser I've become in this school with the rumors surrounding me and being the new girl.

Which turned out as a big mistake. Not realizing the person in front of me, I bumped into them.

"Fuck, are you blind too? Watch were you're going, fucking mute freak," the person,  a male, roared. Thanks to him everyone around us stopped talking and turned to us, watching the scene with hungry eyes. I still kept my head low and looked at his feet. I don't know what to do. I could apologize via phone but I'm not sure if that would satisfy him.

"Liam that is not a way to speak to our sweet little cousin like that. I'm sure it was an accident. She's probably deaf too, you know she couldn't hear you,"  jerking my head up and seeing Liam, Oliver, and Gustavo standing in front of me was enough for me to break down, but I'm better than that. 

While Oliver is still laughing about his own joke, Gustavo looking down at his phone obviously bored of this whole situation, and Liam glaring down at me, I couldn't help but notice how much they've grown over the years. They all seem to have matured.

"Can we go now? I wanna eat and not waste my time on..her," Gustavo grumbled walking past me, not even apologizing when he shoved me away with his shoulder.

His brothers copied him and they soon were gone where the food is waiting for them. Not looking back I glazed around and my eyes spotted Jared leaning against the doorframe of his personal office. 

Suddenly remembering what he said two days prior my eyes glazed around the people around me who were doing their own thing again. I made my way over to him and slipped inside the room.

"I'm glad you're keeping me company. You know, it's pretty boring spending my lunchtime alone in here," he said smiling at me.

The office is a medium-sized room with brick walls and a gray carpeted floor. A large desk is positioned in the center of the room, with a window behind it, and a small couch in front of it. The curtains are currently closed, blocking the view.

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