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Approaching the school I kept my head low. I could feel them staring at me, mumbling things I couldn't understand. The way the looked at me made it obvious that I was the one they were talking about. Picking up my pace I searched the office to get my timetable. Passing the library I found myself in front of a door. The word 'office' was neatly engraved on it. I knocked two times before stepping inside.

There was a blonde haired woman sitting in front of a desk, furiously typing on a keyboard. 

"Yeah?" she asked without looking up.

I stepped closer to the table and took out my notebook and a pen out of my bag.

'Hello. I'm the new student, Yawa Varni.'

Quickly writing it down, I placed the notebook on the desk. Tapping on the wood two times I waited for her to look up. Tapping on the wooden desk again after 15 seconds I finally got her attention.

Looking up and on the desk where my notebook was, her eyes widened. 

"You've got to be kidding me.." she mumbled under her breath. Clearing her throat she shifted her attention back to me. 

"Yawa Varni, brother of Verenzio Varni am I correct?"

Not even waiting for my answer, she turned around, searching around her desk, and pulled out some papers. 

"Here that's your timetable, as well as your locker number and a map of the school. You can go now." After handing me the few papers she went back to 'furiously-typing-mode'.

Stepping outside and into the hallway with all the lockers I started searching for mine. 

Number 57...

Passing the countless lockers I finally found number 57. Putting in the code I opened the locker to see books, notebooks, pens, and a whiteboard in there. 


Taking the whiteboard and the biology book as well as one of the notebooks along with a pencil, I closed my locker and took out the map to find my class.

After some time I finally found it, looking around for a clock I realized I'm late by ten minutes. That's just great. Late on my first day of school.

With a sight, I knocked on the door before entering. I kept a smile plastered on my face as I locked eyes with the teacher, ignoring the stares coming from the students. The teacher looked like he was around his 40s, he seemed nice. Let's hope he really is nice. As I entered he looked at me and gave me a warm smile.

A smile I never got back before.

"You must be the new student, Yawa. Am I correct?" 

With a hesitant smile I nodded.

He then turned to the class.

"Guys listen up! This is Yawa and she'll join us from now on. She's mute so please be nice and gentle to her. Yawa you may take a seat anywhere."

The class fell silent as they all were staring at me. Not nice stares. 

I went over to the very back and took the empty seat in the corner. Which isn't  next to  the window.

As class went by I kept myself silent and my gaze focused on my desk. Here and there I could feel the kids turning around to stare at me, followed by muttering.  

What did I do?

After class ended, I was the first one to dart out of the room into the hallway. These 90 minutes were pure torture. Not knowing what to do I looked down on my timetable to get to my next class. 

Math...To hell with this timetable.

Room B89. 

Walking through the hallways I didn't spare anyone a glance and just kept walking down the hallway. I didn't look at them but I was listening to everything they were saying. 

"Man she's ugly too.."

"You heard what she did..?"

"Isn't she ashamed of herself.."

"Why isn't she in jail.."

"Look at her, she thinks..."

They knew.

They fucking knew.

I feel my heart racing, my thoughts start to spiral out of control. I can't catch my breath, my chest feels tight and my hands start to tremble. With my grip tightening on my books I rushed down to the hallway and into my next class.

I hate this world.

That's how the day went. I didn't make any friends or anything. I went in and out of classes not sparing anyone a glance. I knew my cousins also attend this school. I didn't see them, it's like they avoid me like everyone else.

Stepping out of the school I let out a loud sigh, happy I have this day over with. I can finally go home and relax with no one disturbing me.

Going over the parking lot I stop dead in my tracks.

How the flying fuck am I supposed to find my way home? I don't even have a phone.

I watched how kids were picked up from school, how some used the bus or drove themselves home. I dont own money neither do I own a car.

Letting out a shaky breath I started walking. I don't know where I was going but I was going somewhere. 

As I approached a cafe to ask for directions I could feel someone putting their arm around my shoulder. I felt my body freezing and my heartbeat pounding against my chest. I wouldn't be surprised if it exploded any moment. 

"Thought you could run away from me, eh?" The person snickered next to my ear.

"Why don't we talk for a bit? whatcha sayin Yawa bitch? Let's go the others must be waiting for you." 

That ugly laugh. 

I slowly turned to face him and my world shattered into pieces. 

I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this anymore.

I thought I wouldn't have to deal with bastard again.



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