s e v e n t e e n

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The pounding on the door echoed through the small apartment, each thud rattling the thin walls and sending a shiver down my spine. I crouched lower behind the door, my heart racing. The shadows felt like they were closing in, pressing against my skin.

Katrin glanced back at me, her face set in a mask of seriousness. She mouthed, "Stay quiet," before turning towards the door. Her footsteps were barely audible on the creaky floorboards, but to me, each one sounded like a drumbeat.

The banging continued, relentless and angry. Whoever was on the other side wasn't going away. I pressed myself closer to the door, the rough wood of the door scratching my cheek. I could hear Katrin's hand on the doorknob, a soft click as she unlocked it.

The door swung open with a creak, revealing a hulking figure silhouetted against the dim hallway light. My breath caught in my throat as I recognized him—bastard.

"You," he snarled, his voice low and dangerous. "Where is she?"

Katrin stood her ground, her posture unyielding. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, her voice steady.

"Don't play games with me," he growled, stepping closer. "We know she's here. Give her up, and maybe I won't hurt you."

I held my breath, every muscle in my body tense. I could feel the weight of my own silence, the need to stay hidden. Katrin was my shield, my voice in the storm. My big sister. I couldn't let her down.

"Leave now," Katrin demanded, her tone cold and authoritative. "You won't find anything here."

There was a pause, the kind that stretches into eternity. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, a frantic drumbeat of fear. The man took another step forward, and I saw Katrin's hand move to her pocket, where she kept the small blade we always carried for protection.

"I'm not leaving without her," he hissed, and I knew we were out of time.

Katrin's eyes flicked to the spot where I was hiding, just for a split second. It was a signal, a silent message. Be ready.

Without warning, she lunged forward, slashing the blade through the air. The man roared in pain, clutching at his arm where the knife had cut deep. Katrin didn't hesitate—she shoved him back, slamming the door shut and locking it in one swift motion.

She turned to me, her chest heaving, eyes wide but resolute. "I think it's finally time we need to move," she whispered urgently. "Now."

I scrambled to my feet, adrenaline surging through my veins. We grabbed our bags, already packed for such an emergency. As we slipped out the back door into the night, I silently vowed that we would not be hunted like this again.

Katrin took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Together, we vanished into the shadows, leaving behind the echoes of our narrow escape.

We sprinted through the labyrinth of back alleys, our footsteps a rapid staccato on the wet pavement. The night's chill seeped through my clothes, but I barely noticed. Katrin's grip on my hand was firm and steady, guiding me through the maze. Every so often, she'd glance back at me, her eyes filled with a fierce determination that bolstered my resolve.

We finally reached the warehouse district, a cluster of decrepit buildings that had long been abandoned by the city. The one we called our own loomed ahead, its windows dark and its metal door slightly ajar—a signal that all was clear. We slipped inside, the door closing behind us with a reassuring clang.

The interior was dimly lit, the flickering overhead lights casting long shadows on the walls. As we made our way through the maze of crates and machinery, I pulled my hood up, hiding my identity. The murmurs of gathered voices grew louder. They were all here, our recruits, waiting for the moment we'd been working towards for the past month.

Katrin squeezed my hand one last time before letting go and moving to the center of the room. She clapped her hands a crazy smile forming around her cheeks, and the conversations died down, all eyes turning to her. My heart pounded in my chest, not from fear but from the anticipation of what was to come.

"Everyone," Katrin began, her voice strong and clear, "tonight is the night we've been preparing for. You've all seen what this city does to those who stand alone. But together, we can change that."

Her smile grew more wicked as she motioned for me to step forward, and I did, the crowd parting to let me through. Their eyes followed me, curiosity and respect mingling in their gazes. I reached Katrin's side and turned to face them.

"Yawa has been with you every step of the way," Katrin continued, her voice rising with passion. "She may not speak, but her actions have spoken louder than words ever could. Tonight, we make our stand. Tonight, we become something more."

I felt a surge of pride as I looked at the faces of our gathered gang. These were people who had been lost, abandoned by the world, and now they stood united, ready to fight for a common cause. I pulled out my notepad and quickly scribbled a message, then handed it to Katrin.

She read my words aloud: "From this night forward, we are known as Kaea. We will be the voice for those who have none, the strength for those who are weak. We strike together, and we protect our own. Loyalty will be rewarded with wealth but betrayal will end your life."

A cheer rose from the crowd, a fierce, defiant roar that echoed off the walls. The energy in the room was electric, a tangible force that connected us all. I knew this was just the beginning, but it was a powerful start.

Kaea was born, and with it, a new start in my new life. I exchanged a look with Katrin, our silent understanding passing between us. We had worked so hard for this moment, and now it was here.

As the crowd dispersed to prepare for the night's mission, Katrin and I stood together, taking a moment to soak it all in. She turned to me, a proud smile on her face. "You did it, Yawa," she whispered. "This is just the beginning."

I nodded, feeling the weight of our shared responsibility and the excitement of the unknown future. Together, we would lead Kaea and get our well desired revenge.


Urgh idk abt this chapter, let me know what I can do better 👍 

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