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I could feel the fear building up in my chest as he approached me with his clenched fists. I knew what was coming, but I was powerless to stop it. I had never been able to make a sound, never been able to scream for help, and now, as he raised his hand to strike me, I felt more isolated than ever.

The first blow landed on my cheek, the force of it sending me stumbling backwards. I could taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth as I tried to steady myself, but he was relentless. Each punch felt like a hammer against my skin, each kick a dagger in my side. I tried to fight back, to push him away, but he was too strong, too filled with rage.

I could see the hate in his eyes, the way they glinted with malice as he continued to rain down punches upon me. I had never done anything to provoke him, had never spoken a word to him, but still he took pleasure in my pain. Tears welled up in my eyes, hot and salty as they streamed down my battered face.

I felt like a helpless abused animal, being tossed around with no hope of escape. The ache in my bones, the throbbing in my bruises, it was all too much to bear. And yet, I couldn't make a sound. I was trapped in this nightmare, unable to cry out for help, unable to make him stop.

Finally, he steps back, panting. I slump to the ground, my body bruised and battered. Tears stream down my face as I curl into a ball, trying to shield myself from any more pain.


I kept myself silent. Like always. I couldn't focus on anything or anyone right now. The pain was too intense. But I do know one thing, he was in one of his moods again.

After our encounter he dragged me behind the cafe into one of the many alleys. As soon as he arrived, where his buddies were waiting, with the camera. He's been hitting me ever since. Throwing insults at me time to time but I learned to pay no mind to them. I learned to zone out. To push back what is happening right now, to think all of this isn't real. I feel like I'm not my own person anymore, it's as if I'm watching myself getting beating up in the third point of view. As if I'm an outsider of my own self. Like every other day. It seems like I am not going to wake up from this nightmare any time soon. Surely I will wake up soon. When I wake up I'll be the cheerful five year old girl, who runs around and annoys her parents, again. Right now, in this dream, I'm not as cheerful as I used to be, I don't laugh anymore, I don't smile genuinely and I just can't find it in me to fight back the demons anymore. I'm used and shattered. I'm nothing but broken. I've always thought about to just end whatever this is. I don't want to keep living like this. God I'm so messed up. But what is keeping me here in this cruel nightmare?

Right my parents.

"Damn you bitch. Make sure to watch the videos that I keep sending you. I put efforts into it." Bastard snarled, grabbing my hair and knocking me out with one last punch. 

I don't  know what happened afterwards but I do know that I want to sleep forever and hopefully hopefully wake up from this bad bad bad nightmare.


I woke up with a pounding headache, the taste of blood in my mouth and a sharp pain in my side. Blinking back the haze, I realized I was lying on the cold, hard ground of an unfamiliar place, darkness surrounding me. Panic washed through me as I struggled to remember how I had ended up here.

Struggling to my feet, I clutched my side, wincing at the pain. My head spun as I tried to make sense of my surroundings, but everything looked unfamiliar. Where was I? How did I get here?

I stumbled forward, my vision swimming, as I tried to recall where I lived. My heart raced in my chest as I realized I was lost  and alone.

I staggered down the street, the sound of my rapid breaths the only noise in the silent night. I felt vulnerable, exposed, as if the shadows themselves were watching me. Fear gnawed at my insides, but I forced myself to keep moving, driven by the paranoia that bastard could be lingering around waiting for me.

Every step was a struggle, my injured body protesting with every movement. But I pushed through the pain, determination fuelling my exhausted limbs. I had to find help, had to find safety, before it was too late.

As I turned a corner, a flicker of recognition sparked in my mind. Even though it was night, I knew this place, this street. It was near my neighborhood. Relief flooded through me, but I was still disoriented, unsure of which direction to go.

I took a deep breath, focusing all of my remaining energy on placing one foot in front of the other. I couldn't afford to give up now. I had to keep moving, had to keep searching for the familiar place that would lead me back to safety.

And so, with a flicker of hope in my heart, I pressed on, navigating the darkened streets with shaky steps, the echo of my own ragged breaths the only sound in the empty night.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of stumbling through the cold, hostile night, I reached the mansion that stood at the end of the street. As I approached, I noticed that all the windows were dark, except for one.

Nervously, I pushed slowly open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside, my heart pounding in my chest.

I made my way through the familiar rooms, my injuries throbbing with every step. The dim light cast long shadows that danced around me. I needed to get to my room, to tend to my wounds, before someone finds me.

With great effort, I climbed the staircase, each step a painful reminder of my bruised body. Finally reaching the top, I stumbled down the hallway until I found the door to my room. With trembling hands, I pushed it open, relief flooding through me at the sight of the familiar space.

I made my way to the bathroom, barely able to stand as I washed the blood from my body and tended to my injuries as best I could. Every movement sent waves of pain through me, but I gritted my teeth and pushed through.

After taking two painkillers dry, exhaustion washed over me like a wave. With a heavy sigh, I collapsed on the cold floor, too weary to move another muscle or to get dressed. The events of the night caught up with me, the fear, the pain, the uncertainty of it all weighing me down.

And so, with my heavy breathing, I closed my eyes and let sleep claim me, the darkness of unconsciousness enveloping me like a comforting veil. Despite the emptiness that surrounded me, I felt a flicker of relief knowing that, at least for some hours, I was safe in the solitude of my own walls.

 At least for now I could escape this nightmare with the comforting darkness of my own world.



Guyyyyysssssss I tried my best >:( 

Please do let me know what you think about the story so far! And please tell me when there are any spelling or grammar mistakes 🙏 

Love you <3

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