f o u r

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"Yawa," Verenzio spat, looking down at me.

I, too, was glaring at him with so much hate, that I was surprised I didn't scratch his face with my bare hands yet.

Narrowing my eyes ever so slightly, I waited for him to continue.

But he just raised an eyebrow.

"Verenzio, Yawa is selectively mute." Big Levi said, making this situation not less awkward for me.

"Is that so?" Verenzio said with an amused look before continuing, "I'll come to the point then. No one wants you here, we only took you in for our image. Go to your room, stay in there, rot in there for all I care. One wrong move and I'll kick you out. Other than that, you are free to do whatever you want. I don't care. Your room is the same as before. Just remember, you are not welcome here." That said he turned around, leaving me there standing dumbfounded.

Grabbing my suitcase harshly out of big Levis' hand, I rushed upstairs into my old room.

Stepping into my room, I smiled softly upon seeing as it was the same room I lived in until I turned six years old.

I walk over to the other side of the room and open the balcony door. Left and right are also balconies, which all were connected to each other.

I go back inside, and glance over my white themed room, I can't help but smile.

I go to check my walk in closet, but stop as soon as I entered it. With wide eyes I'm staring at moms' old clothes. They weren't there the last time I was here.

They did that on fucking purpose.

I slowly lay down on the floor. Exhaustion getting the best of me. Looking up the ceiling, I slowly zone out, drowning in one of those little memories with mom.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I made for you!" Little Yawa squeaked as soon as she saw her mother. Showing her mother the picture she drew of her family, she couldn't stop smiling.

Her mother was sitting in their garden, enjoying the sun, but when she saw the picture, she started laughing uncontrollably, her husband looking so cute, when in reality he looked nothing like that. Little Yawa was pouting, thinking her mother made fun of her picture. "Oh Yawa sweety, I love it." That said, her mother grabbed little Yawa and started kissing her face, "mommy stooooopppppp, I'll dieeeeeeeee" the five year old girl whined trying to push her mothers face out of her own face, but that only made her mother laugh more.

"I love you, Yawa baby. Never forget that, okay?"

" I love you too mommyyyyy!"

A knock brings me back to reality. I shoot up from my laying position, making me dizzy. Ignoring that, I stumble across the room and open the door.

Only to meet no one.

Looking around I saw no one in the hallway. Looking down I see that someone placed a plate of food. But who in this household is nice enough to actually do that? Right, no one. The Varni family, known to be cold and ruthless. All of the family members are feared by many people. Rumors goes around, that the family is running one of the biggest mafias. In the end rumors are supposed to stay as rumors.

Blah blah blah, right?

Letting out a huff, I bend down and grab the plate. As soon as I did that, I saw the piece of paper under the plate. Grabbing that too, I turn around and slam the door shut with my foot. Going over to my desk and placing down the food, I unfold the piece of paper and start reading the little sentences.

"You'll get your food served in front of your door, there's no need to join us at the table. And you'll start school tomorrow. Levi will drop you off since it's your first day at school, other than that you'll have to figure out yourself how to get there."

Not touching the food, I went to change into my pajamas. Getting the painkillers, swallowing them dry, I took the other few bottles of painkillers and hid them under my pillow.

Deciding it's time to go sleep, I plopped into my bed and fell asleep soon after.



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