ꨄ︎ 6.

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"Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor."
Traitor | Olivia Rodrigo

Friday evening
ꨄ︎ | 5:34 pm

"God, I wish that you had thought this throughBefore I went and fell in love with you

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"God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you..."

    The sound of Olivia Rodrigo's voice blared loudly through the surround system of Isis's bedroom as she laid wrapped up in a blanket and rotting away. The song playing was ironic, given the situation, but the emotions Isis felt, matched the lyrics. New Girl, her favorite comfort show, played in the background as she smoked a blunt. She hadn't been in the best of moods lately and her depression had her in a funk she couldn't seem to pull herself out of. It was making her more tired than ever and the unexplained nauseous wasn't helping either.

  For the past few weeks Isis did nothing but drown in her sorrows. She closed off her schedule at the salon  and shut down all new orders on her site just to take a moment of deal with the outcomes of her actions. Everything she felt was heavily weighing on her chest not only mentally, but physically as well. Rotting away was the only thing Isis had the energy to do lately.

"Oh my God, I can't take it anymore!" Nala loudly fussed, walking into her room and turning down the speaker. She was tired of hearing Isis play nothing but sad ass songs all day.

"What are you talking about?" Isis asked.

"Girl, you! And this depressive ass state you've been in for the past couple of weeks." Nala stressed.

Isis rolled her eyes in response. She had very few words to say to anyone about the situation between her and Javi. Whenever it was brought up, she avoided the conversation at all cost. Talking about it hurt too much, especially when everything was still up in the air. The unknowing status of her and Javi's relationship was slowly eating Isis alive. She knew what she said that night about not being there when Javi decided he wanted back in, but Isis was hurt and only said that out of anger. It wasn't how she really felt. So in an attempt to try and work things out, she tried reaching out to Javi, but all of her attempts failed. Javi ignoring her was what hurt the most. They hadn't been in a place before where Isis was the one in the wrong, so this whole experience of Javi being angry with her was new and frankly she couldn't handle it. The uncertainty was nerve wracking. Isis didn't want to beg for his attention but at this point it was starting to feel like she was doing that and that was a feeling Isis hated to feel, especially when it came to Javi. Her emotions were so deep for him that it was physically hurting her to be apart from him.

"I'm fine." Isis lied, taking a long drag from her blunt.

Nala shot her a yeah right look, "You're obviously not, Ice and you can't just keeping mopping around. It's not healthy."

"Well I'm sorry my break up is bumming you out." Isis sarcastically replied and Nala exhaled, rolling her eyes. Nala took a seat on the end of Isis's bed and stared at her, momentarily. Call it twin intuition but Nala noticed something different about her sister.

KARMA'S REVENGE ꨄ︎ Confessions of a Material Gurl IIWhere stories live. Discover now