ꨄ︎ 25.

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"Tell me that you love me, look me deep in my eyes
Tell me that you need me and, for me, you will ride."
Sweet Little Lies | Rod Wave

6 months later
Friday afternoon
ꨄ︎ | 11:00 am

It had been 6 months, 182 days, 4382 minutes, and 15,778,476 seconds since Grey had gone away to prison and each moment without him physically hurt Blanche, but she was trying to stay strong.

She had to.

She promised Grey she would and she didn't want to break her promise to him. However, Blanche didn't understand how she could endure twenty years long years without him. She loved Grey like no other and that love made Blanche want to wait for him. Yet the angst and anxiety she felt from not being able to see Grey, talk to him, or be with him whenever she wanted, devastated her. Blanche had found herself clinging to everything that had reminded her of him. Spending more time at Zenobia's with Z or even just hanging out with Nevah. During the brief time in each other's lives, the pair had built a small friendship. Something Blanche was grateful for because Nevah was just a girl version of Grey. Her personality and demeanor reminded Blanche a lot of Grey.

   Those moments filled that void in between her weekly weekend visits to Grey upstate. It was the first time she'd experienced anything like it. Even with her family's lucrative dealings never once did Blanche experience visiting one of them in prison. So the whole process was a shockingly new one for her. Blanche hated seeing Grey in the orange ugly jumpsuit with cuffs tied around his wrist. She hated the restrictions on visitations, that only allowed her short moments to physically be with him. None of it felt fair to her and she hated that Grey was stuck in this situation just because of Indie's crazy ass. The only good thing out of it was Indie's death and a big part of Blanche had felt relieved and safe ever since she pulled the trigger ending his life.

She had no regrets about it and never would. It should have been concerning to whole easily she was able to end another life but Blanche chalked it up to being another part of the game and didn't think about it twice.

The car honking from behind her, snapped Blanche out of her thoughts as she released her foot on the break and pressed the gas. It was midday on a Friday and the weather in LA was finally warm for once. The past few months the weather consistently was gloomy and rainy, so Blanche was grateful for the change of weather.

The warm sun on her skin thawed some of the ice on her frozen heart.

   She was spending the day with Zora, having a girl's day including mani and pedi's and shopping. It was all courtesy of Grey. Even away, he was still making sure she was straight.

They'd just left Isis's salon and were now headed to the Beverly Center to drop a few racks. Zora was constantly growing and always needed new clothes so Blanche was taking her shopping for a whole new wardrobe. The absence of her father was something Blanche could see was quietly affecting her so Blanche was trying to get Zora's mind off of it and cheer her up, while also trying to cheer up a part of herself. Her love for Grey only extended to his child so spending time with Zora always made Blanche happy.

   Pulling up to the valet, Blanche hopped out handing the attendant the keys before retrieving Zora from the backseat. They walked hand in hand as they entered the mall and headed straight toward the children's section of Nordstrom. Zora was a privileged child so her wardrobe consisted of nothing but the finest of designer threads.

Spotting the cutest Prada dress for her on one of the mannequins, Blanche flagged down a sales associate as Zora fiddled with her phone while they interacted. She was six and already had a cell phone, something Blanche thought was ridiculous, but Grey wanted access to his child at all times and didn't want to have to consistently go through Zenobia to get it. Blanche understood that completely and fortunately Zora was very responsible for her young age, so Grey felt comfortable allowing her to have one. But there were tons of restrictions from social media and the internet. Grey couldn't be too sure what his child could be exposed to in this day and age.

The sales associate directed Blanche where to find the dress while also pointing out several other outfits that would look nice on a child of Zora's age. While Blanche was occupied looking through the selections, Zora started looking at the pictures on her phone from the last week she spent with Grey before he was sent away to prison. Zora was completely unaware of the damage she was about to inflict.

She couldn't have.

She was a child and had no knowledge of the secret child Grey was hiding from Blanche.

"Did my daddy tell you I have a new baby sister?" Zora randomly asked.

Blanche's face scrunched up in confusion as she turned and glanced at Zora. Zora was well aware of Blanche and Grey losing their child so she was clueless as to what Zora was referring to.

"What are you talking about Z?" Blanche questioned.

"My baby sister, Gia." Zora said, holding out her phone. On the screen was a picture of Zora sitting next to Grey holding a small baby. Blanche grabbed the phone from Zora zooming in on the baby's face, feeling her entire world crashing down as her cheeks became red with anger and hurt. If Blanche wasn't a chocolate as she was, it would've been easily visible.

The world around her went silent as Blanche closely examined the photo, swiping towards the right and seeing more photos. Her heart stopped seeing a photo of Grey, Zora, Zenobia, Ash, and the small child. Blanche stumbled back, feeling herself become faint as she held her forehead. This can't be real, Blanche repeated to herself over and over not wanting to believe what her eyes were so clearly telling her. The truth was right in front of her and Blanche still couldn't believe it.

She had to bury her child and this entire time Grey started a family with a whole other woman. Blanche began rewinding those last few months of them together wondering how she had missed the signs. They were so obviously there now as she looked back. Grey had been more absent and more secretive with his phone calls. Blanche had thought nothing of it, given she'd trusted Grey with everything in her. But now? Blanche could see that was a huge fucking mistake.

Her she was planning to spend the next twenty years riding this shit out with him while he was hiding a whole fucking child from her and with Ash at that. Blanche was seeing red and the cherry on top of it all was the fact that Zenobia also knew and had mentioned nothing to her about it.

Blanche was so riddled with anger and devastation that she couldn't think straight as she frantically stormed out of the mall with Zora in hand. She was fucking wrecked and feeling betrayed in the worse possible way. Never in a million years did Blanche ever think Grey was capable of something like this. She thought the world of him and this right here ruined that perfect image of him she'd built up in her head.

Bitch ass nigga, she fussed to herself pushing all her emotions down into that deep place where she kept things she didn't want to feel.

It was all so simple and Blanche could see it now.

When it came down to it, a nigga would always be nigga. Grey had no idea what was coming his way and he would regret the day he ever played with her heart.

A woman scorned was a deadly thing and Blanche was a woman with multiple wounds.


KARMA'S REVENGE ꨄ︎ Confessions of a Material Gurl IIWhere stories live. Discover now