ꨄ︎ 8.

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Indecisive, switchin' sides,
so I'ma let you do that shit alone.
Handle that on your own.
A bad bitch can't do baggage, let it go.
Gemini Slander | Kiana Ledé

Sunday night
ꨄ︎ | 11:38 pm

Javi drove through the city later that night with Nala's words still ringing in his mind. A blunt hung loosely from his mouth as he turned his truck onto a familiar street. He knew Isis wasn't gonna respond well to him just popping on her, especially with the way he'd been ignoring her calls and texts but Javi needed to know if she was pregnant or not. His ego was what kept him from answering whenever Isis reached out. Franky Javi wasn't understanding why she'd go back to that nigga Caine after he'd gone above and beyond to prove how real his words were to her. Javi thought the bond they shared meant more to her than that, like it did for him. However, knowing Isis slept with Caine and then slept with him the next day, had Javi feeling like he didn't know who Isis was.

At least not anymore.

      Javi put his truck in park, glancing up at Isis's house. He could see a light on from her bedroom window and knew she was probably still up. Pulling out his phone, he searched for her name in his call log and clicked on it.

      In her bedroom, Isis lay in bed in the same spot she'd been in for the past 24 hours. The funk she'd been in hadn't let up which only made her feel even worse. Feeling her phone vibrating in her bed, Isis grabbed it and checked the caller ID. It was Javi and her heart rate sped up at his name appearing on her screen. She contemplated for a moment on whether she should answer or not, especially with the way Javi had been dissing her.

But yet, of course, Isis picked up anyway.

"What?" She rudely answered on the third ring. 

Javi lowly chuckled, amused with the fact that she had the nerve to be mad, "Drop the attitude, Ice." He demanded.

She smacked her lips in response, "Pretty sure you ignore me is the reason why I have an attitude." She rebutted.

"You know why I haven't called you back, Ice. I told you I need some space." He stressed.

"So why are you callin' me now?" She pressed.

"Cause I need to talk to you about somethin'."

"Well too bad. I'm not in the mood to talk." She defiantly replied.

"Yo, come outside." Javi commanded, as his agitation increased. Isis was running his patience thin and right now he wasn't even trying to argue with her. Isis got up from her bed and looked out her window, seeing his truck parked outside.

She began making her way downstairs.

"Why?" Isis questioned, continuing her antics. 

"Mannn," He kissed his teeth, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Bring yo outside, ma before I wake yo' fuckin' neighbors up." Javi demanded before hanging up.

     Isis sucked her teeth, tossing her phone onto the sofa. She hated how much she got turned on by his commanding nature. It was never in a controlling way, but in a way that made Isis just want to obey his every word.

She would go outside but on her own time.

      Slowly Isis made her way out her front door and to Javi's truck. The cold air hit her flesh as she walked down her driveway. Javi hit the locks, seeing her get closer as she opened the door, sliding into the passenger seat.

      Isis crossed her arms over her chest, giving him the silent treatment and keeping her wall up. Inside her mind, she was giving herself a pep talk to remain strong, especially after the way Javi had been treating her after her one stupid mistake. It was why she didn't want Javi to find out in the first place. Niggas and their egos were a hell of a thing and Isis knew Javi's ego was probably bruised after finding out that she slept with Caine, but still, Isis gave him another chance after he fucked up, so why was it so hard for Javi to give her same energy?

KARMA'S REVENGE ꨄ︎ Confessions of a Material Gurl IIWhere stories live. Discover now