ꨄ︎ 22.

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"Sometimes love not enough
& the road gets tough, I don't know why."
Born to Die | Lana Del Rey

Saturday afternoon
ꨄ︎ | 12:22 pm

It was the day of Grey's going away party and Blanche wasn't in the best of moods but she was trying to put on a brave face for their guests as she quietly sat at one of the tables outside with her girls. The party was small with invitations only given to their close friends and family, hosted at Zenobia's.

   Talia, Kenzie, Priya, Isis, and Kenia were in a causal conversation as Blanche only half listened, staring off into the distance, deep in her thoughts. The day of Grey having to turn himself in was getting near and the closer it got, the more it wrecked Blanche. She kept finding herself crying at random moments becoming overcome with the grief of a forced separation between them. Since the loss of their child, there wasn't a moment they spent without each other. Their lives had become intertwined in so many ways and Blanche couldn't picture her everyday life without him being around. She clung to him for so much, not only physically but mentally and emotionally. It had Blanche constantly dreaming of a forever with him. She'd had her share of experience with men, but the shit she experienced with Grey was on a completely different level. There were no weird-ass mind games with him or random sides bitches. He was a hundred percent real nigga and a real nigga like him deserved a real bitch like her.

"Here, you look like need this." Talia said, interjecting her thoughts and handing Blanche her cup. It was red and filled with liquor.

"Thanks, girl." Blanche said less than enthusiastically, accepting the cup, and taking a long sip. Her face was a dead giveaway of how she was really feeling.

Talia picked up on Blanche's energy from how separated she was from the conversation and felt sorrowful for her friend. She couldn't ever imagine going through the shit Blanche had in the past few months, nor dealing with a nigga who was going away for such a long period. Talia loved Brick but she could never imagine holding a nigga down, especially for twenty years.

"How are you managing?" Talia concernedly asked, grabbing Blanche's attention.

"I'm managing. I'm here and alive, so..." She replied trailing off. Talia reached out giving her hand a slight squeeze and Blanche gave her a small smile in return.

"And that's something to definitely be thankful for." Priya added.

"Yeah, I know." Blanche said coming off less enthusiastically than she meant.

"It's nice to see you and your mom getting along though." Kenzie said, nodding over to where her mother sat talking to Grey.

"Yeah, honestly I didn't realize how much I needed her around." Blanche genuinely answered. Since Blanche and her mother's conversation a couple of months ago, their relationship had taken a turn for the better. They'd spent plenty of time together getting reacquainted and getting to know the new versions of each other. It was the only positive thing that came from these last few months and her new little sister, Gianna, was something Blanche didn't even know she was missing in her life.

"That's good to hear and it seems like your mom likes Grey." Isis added.

"Girl who wouldn't? That nigga is fine as hell." Priya exclaimed. They all shared a laugh and Blanche shook her head, knowing her cousin meant no harm by her comment.

KARMA'S REVENGE ꨄ︎ Confessions of a Material Gurl IIWhere stories live. Discover now