chapter one; foolish thing

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"AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIVE THAT?" santana laughed as i told her sue didn't let me back on the cheerios

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"AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIVE THAT?" santana laughed as i told her sue didn't let me back on the cheerios.

"ugh fine, you got me" i roll my eyes, pulling the red box from behind my back. she then took my hand and led me to the bathroom where i could change.

"you look smoking" she smiled as i gave her a twirl. "seriously girl, if i wasn't all over brit i would definitely tap that."

"thanks santana, proud to be a second option" i roll my eyes playfully and she hits my arm.
"oh shut up chloe you know what i mean" she laughed.

i was the only person, besides brit and quinn who was catching on, who knew about santana and brittany and it was an honour that they could confide in me, it made me feel special to say the least.

"come on, i've got mr shues spanish" i grimaced at the thought, as did santana.
"he has been up my ass since he heard our if you seek amy duet during so called "britney week"that he was eavesdropping in on" i did finger quotes.

"maybe you should join" santana said opening the door and i followed behind her.

"what and have a slushee facial every morning, i can only do eyeliner this straight once a day tana, i can't afford to get it taken off" i told her and santana huffed.
"just think about it chlo, it would benefit you with everything going on" she smiled softly and i bit my lip.

"yeah let's not talk about that, bye tana i love you" i changed the subject as me and santana went our separate ways down the corridor.

"love you chlo" she shouted back.

santanas words stuck with me all day, it didn't make sense how singing show tunes could help me in any way. i know that finns been much happier at home since he joined and now he's dating rachel berry? i don't know his dating history confuses me.

with that in mind, i walked into the choir room head held high choosing to ignore the obvious confused looks from the rest of my peers.

"i'm joining glee and im not taking no for an answer" i said marching up to mr shue who had a look on his face that could've fallen between confused, scared and excited.

"okay, take a seat chloe" he pointed to an empty seat next to none other then my moms boyfriends son kurt hummel.

i knew that kurt and finn didn't always get along the best but i've never really got to know him very well, it was one of my regrets because he was always around me seeing as our parents were together and all but i always felt guilty that i never appreciated him. i've pushed myself away from my family ever since what happened with finn and that's my fault. but you know what they say,there's no time like the present.

mr shue was talking about boys verses girls and i spilt from kurt and made my way over to the girls side, next to santana, quinn and brit.

"hey bitch" santana smiled knowing i took up her offer.

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