chapter thirty one; thanksgiving

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"you've got to be joking

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"you've got to be joking." i pushed his hands off my waist. "you have got to be joking." i repeated, still in a state of disbelief.

"i sung with them, the other week and something just, happened." the boy defended himself but i really couldn't believe what i was hearing.

"wait you sang with them!" i ran my hands through my hair, we had just been making out, hopes of getting back together and then he tells me that he's moving. "what does this mean for us?"

"well it was nice but i just don't think we're meant for each other anymore." blaine shattered my heart, we'd come this far with the words forgiveness just for it to be broken down.

"blaine stop blaming yourself, i've told you a million times, i forgive you." i grabbed his face, making him look me in the eyes which he had avoided doing.

"but you shouldn't, you should hate me." blaine said and i shook my head in annoyance. "blaine shut up."

"i have told you so many times that you need to stop blaming yourself and running off to dalton is just going to make things worse."

"i just can't be here anymore." he answered simply and i sighed in annoyance. "you deserve someone better, like sam for example."

"fine." i replied nonchalantly, growing tired of his self pity. "maybe i do."

"im sorry." he muttered one last time before turning on his heel and leaving, what the fuck was going on with him and why was he acting like this?

i know that he'd probably been taking the breakup hard but surely there had to be another reason. i knew blaine for a few years and he wasn't the one to wallow in self pity, at least not in things to do with himself.

i sat down cross legged on the auditorium stage and pondered my thoughts and then it hit me, blaine's parents were probably going through a breakup. it was a wild accusation but all the puzzle pieces fit.

i decided that i would talk to him about it later and for now i made my way over to the piano, playing over the chords for traitor.

i propped my phone up on the place where the sheet music would rest and pressed play on the record button as i began to sing.

"are you okay?" sam asked, adjusting his position so he could look down at me lying on his chest.

"just thinking." i answered, adjusting my focus back to the tv. it was finns turn to pick something so we were all suffering through the godfather. "uh oh." sam laughed and i smiled with him.

"shut up." finn threw a handful of popcorn, missing the two of us completely and landing on the floor behind the couch.

"well done." i said, my voice laced with sarcasm as i watched him roll his eyes before getting up to retrieve it before popping it into his mouth. "uh have you talked to blaine?" i asked sam, leaning in closer he could hear the whisper.

♪ sami ♪ - b. andersonWhere stories live. Discover now