chapter thirty three; tell him

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"I'M TELLING YOU, it's been keeping me up at night

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"I'M TELLING YOU, it's been keeping me up at night." sam tried to tell blaine and i but i shook my head.

"sam no it hasn't, you were fast asleep yesterday and do you know how i know, because you ignored all of my texts past nine." i told him and he shook my comment off.

"whatever. something weird's going on with the warblers. they're doing all those weird flips and superhuman jumps at sectionals."

"exactly, that's why they won." blaine explained, not understanding what sam was trying to get across.

"and where was roundfaced warbler? you said he was there when you went back to dalton, but come sectionals, poof, he's gone." sam continued and i turned to blaine who seemed to now be following.

"that is such a violating nickname."

"so, what are you saying?" blaine asked, once again my comments being ignored.

"i think they cheated at sectionals."

"sam, you can't make accusations like that without any kind of evidence." i told him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"well, then, i'll find some evidence. do any of you have any lip balm i can use?" he asked and i raised an eyebrow in confusion, it was so unlike him to not carry any around for himself.


"conspiracy theories make my lips get all chapped." sam explained. "i think i have lipgloss?" i went into my bag.

"no thanks babe, come on blaine, it's not weird. we're like brothers." sam convinced blaine who nodded before reaching into his bag.

"yeah, um, sure. here you go." he was flustered. that was weird.

"guys? you're late." tina spat as we all walked in and found our seats.

"i know. this meeting of the mckinley high student council is now in session. first order of business: secretary cohen-chang, will you please read the minutes from last meeting?" blaine asked the girl who nodded.

"sam did a daniel craig impression for 45 minutes and chloe giggled like a little girl the entire time."

"just because you're lonely and will probably never find love doesn't mean you have to bring other peoples relationships." i sighed, honestly getting sick of tina's behaviour.

"actually i have found love." she spat back, glancing to blaine before looking back at me.

"who blaine, hate to break it to you sweetie but you're not his type, he doesn't dig on drama queen train wrecks that fake stutters." i shrugged innocently, watching her face grow angry.

"oh so i guess if i wanted blaine to like me, which i obviously don't. i'll just have to turn into some anorexic-" she began but i jumped out of my seat and pounced onto her, getting held back by sam, only being able to strike her once.

♪ sami ♪ - b. andersonWhere stories live. Discover now