chapter three; a wedding

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"YOUR GETTING MARRIED? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" i shouted as i stormed through the front door, throwing my bag into the living room

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"YOUR GETTING MARRIED? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" i shouted as i stormed through the front door, throwing my bag into the living room. mom sat up on the sofa and finn walked through the door behind me.

"sorry mom, i thought she knew" he scratched the back off his neck as i crossed my arms.
"why didn't you tell me?" i asked, i know it was probably an honest mistake but it still hurt.

"well sweetheart we didn't know how you'd react, i know your prone to freak outs" mom told me but i cut her off.

"oh so you just were gonna keep this from me until the day before so i don't freak out? what the fuck mom!" i throw my hands up before walking out the door again, this time slamming it behind me with force.

i didn't have a car, yes i was old enough to have one but i just didn't. i guess spending a year abroad meant that i didn't really need one. it was a bit of an awkward situation to be in but i decided to walk to blaine's house.

we didn't live too far from each other, like an hours walk at very most? i was thinking about everything, did they really think that i would freak out when i found out. i loved burt and kurt i don't know why they wouldn't tell me? a couple of tears fell from my face but i wiped them away quickly. ugh whatever, i was turning a corner when i saw blaine standing outside his house with someone who had chestnut hair and was really hot. i smiled when i saw blaine's face but it didn't last long when i realised that they were arguing.

i didn't know what they were arguing about but he shouted one last thing before storming off and i immediately walked the other way, avoiding being caught.
i thought i'd gotten away until i felt someone's freezing hands on my shoulders.
i turned around quickly to see blaine standing there with a tear stained face.

"chloe, i knew it was you, are you okay you're crying?" he was happy until he saw the tears that i didn't even realise were falling.
"oh says you" i laugh as i look up at him and he wipes his face before clearing his throat.
"sorry" i whisper.

"wow looks like we both had bad days" he wipes a couple of tears on my face and i swear i could feel myself blush. god he was so hot.
"so why exactly are you here?" he asks and i snap out of my thoughts.

"oh um, my mom and burt are getting married and i wanted you to be my plus one too the wedding?" i say, that wasn't the real reason but my situation probably wasn't as bad as his so there was no point saying it.

"yeah i'd love too, when's the wedding?" he smiled and i bite my lip.
"um i don't know" i say and he raised an eyebrow.

"right okay" he whispered and i look to the floor. god this was awkward, to be fair he probably wasn't in the mood.

"okay so i'm gonna go now" i turn around but he stops me.

"your walking?" he asked and i nod slowly. he offered his hand and i took it, we then walked back to his house and he unlocked his car.

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