chapter nineteen; video games

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"OKAY EVERYBODY, LETS HEAR IT FOR LOVE! your assignment for valentine's week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs

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"OKAY EVERYBODY, LETS HEAR IT FOR LOVE! your assignment for valentine's week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs." mr schue wrote love on the board and i slumped deeper into my seat.

i hated valentine's day, correction; i hated valentine's day without blaine.

"now, regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $250 for costumes and hair spray." mr schue pointed to us all and kurt, who was also equally single, came and sat down next to me.

"oh, god, not another bake sale." he scowled.

"if any student gives ten dollars, we will sing these world's greatest love songs to their valentine. we will serenade each classroom"

"no" everyone retaliated except for one.

"yes!" rachel had a wide smile on her face, sitting on top of finn.

"two years ago, we went room-to-room christmas caroling, they threw food." tina reminisced on the memory.

"and shoes." kurt added from next to me.

"yes, sugar?" mr schue pointed at the girl who had her hand up.

"here's a spoonful of sugar for you all don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff when you're rich." she got up and put her sunglasses on her head.
"so, here you go." she pulled a huge wad of cash out of her pocket.

"uh, sugar, i can't take that." mr schue moved it away from his face.

"just take it!" i yelled as mr schue turned to me before taking the cash out of the girls hand.

"everyone, give it up for sugar for paying for our finalnet and cumberbunds!" mr schue smiled over the noise of our applause.

"i love the sound of applause, even if i have to buy it." the girl bowed, getting up and putting her sunglasses back on her eyes.
"okay, everyone, look under your chairs. except you, artie. your chair kept moving, so i hid your surprise in the wastebasket."

i shrugged, looking under my chair too find two heart shaped boxes, taking the lid of one of them to reveal rows of chocolate.

"v-day is my fave day ever. and to help me celebrate, my daddy's throwing me a huge, ridic party at breadstix. and i'm naming it the sugar shack. and drumroll, rachel you're all invited!
but you have to bring a date. no single people allowed. they're sad and boring and they don't exist in my world." the girl continued and i threw my head back in annoyance.

"um, but you're single." mercedes said and sugar almost looked offended, putting her sunglasses down, just so she could push them back up.

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