chapter two; forget you

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"ALL RIGHT GUYS, ITS TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT SOME SONGS FOR SECTIONALS" mr shue turned around and he didn't look good to say the least

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"ALL RIGHT GUYS, ITS TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT SOME SONGS FOR SECTIONALS" mr shue turned around and he didn't look good to say the least. he was staring at us, dead in the face for about twenty seconds and it was kind of creeping me out.

"mr shue i for one think we should use our setlist for sectionals to start exploring the oeuvre of one bernadette peters" rachel smiled completely ignoring mr shues state.

"someday im going to go to paris and visit the oeuvre!" brittany replied nonchalantly and i giggled, she never failed to make me laugh.

"mr shue are you feeling okay, you look a little green?" mercedes asked and mr shue told us he was going to the nurse, it was probably for the best but it did mean glee club was cancelled which honestly wasn't the worst thing ever.

as everyone was filtering out i ran up to kurt.
"kurt wait" i shouted and he turned his head.
"i was wondering if you wanted to go out later?" i asked and he nodded before continuing on his way out.

i was waiting infront of kurt's car as he shut and locked the front door, i wanted to go to a remote setting and there isn't many of them in lima, so we ended up at breadstixs.

"so why did you want to go out?" he asked taking a sip of his coke and i cleared my throat.
"right so you know about how you said you wanted to know what happened with finn?" i asked and he nodded.
"i want to know what's happening with karofsky, an eye for an eye"

kurt sighed before nodding his head and taking a deep breath.
"you tell me first" he looked at me dead in the eye and i nodded.

"okay" i closed my eyes for a second before opening my mouth.
"last year, you know it wasn't the best year ever, you know how my dad died and all but that was when i was young, since then moms dated this boy called chris who left us for someone else. i mean i thought i'd never see him again until he showed up at the door, wanting to see us all again. and i was stupid enough to actually think that he was here to have a bond with me, he was just here for money. that obviously hurt, i've been dying for a father figure in my life and i finally thought i was about to have one." i took a shaky breath before continuing.
"well when he left, again, i got into some bad things, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol basically. im not proud of who i was but there's nothing i can do about it now, anyways finn saw me smoking a joint with santana and he told a ton of people about it, including my mom. i spent the rest of the year in a random school in france. yeah so that's why karofsky called me mdma last week, he was someone finn told"

"oh" kurt sighed and i wiped a few tears that had managed to escape before sinking down into my seat grabbing a breadstick.

"your turn now" i said and he took a deep breath.

"karofsky doesn't like that im gay, he always taunts me, calls me names and you saw the time he kissed me,  that's it" he sipped his drink again and i knew there was more to it but kurt looked so sad i didn't bother asking, he would tell me once he was ready.

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