chapter thirty two; something stupid

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"STAY ON STAY ON." mr schue pushed me back onto the stage as everyone else rushed off the stage. i turned back on myself and stared out at all the confused faces staring back at me.

"uh hi guys, we're the new directions." i smiled before bowing and running off the stage in a hurry, my judgement clouded by jake carrying marley off the stage then the fact that i had just lost us sectionals.

"is she okay?" i ran into the choir room, my focus being on marley and only her.

"ah, looks like competition season is over after all." sue faked cared before slamming the book in her hands shut and strutting out of the choir room.

"what does she mean?" i laughed awkwardly, looking back at everyone who was staring at me with disappointed eyes.

"so, that's it? no more glee?" it was the first glee club meeting since sectionals and by now things were looking at the moment, it was probably also going to be the last.

"until next september." finn sighed and i leaned in closer to sam who rubbed his thumb up and down my arm.

"can i just say what everyone is thinking? this is all chloe's fault, we told her to stay on stage and she ran off." artie shrugged and sam's grip tightened in response.

"what like all of you did, don't blame me or i'll pop the wheels of your chair with the razorblades i have hidden in my hair." i bit back maybe a little too harshly as the boy wheeled as far away from me as he could.

"no this is marley's fault. new rachel, my butt. i knew rachel berry. i was friends with rachel berry, and you, marley, are no rachel berry." tina spat.

"guys, guys, enough. it's not like it's over. the holiday concert is later this week, and we are going to be preparing for it all week long. if this is our swan song, let's make it the best one it can be." finn tried to tell us but it was clear we were a lost cause.

"you really expect us to go up in front of the whole school and parade our loserdom for all to see?" kitty asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"yeah, kitty does have a point. we agreed to do the show when we thought it would be on the heels of another sectionals victory. now it just feels like a pity party."

"love to sing and dance as much as anybody, but without a competition to prep for, it's hard to get motivated." tina sighed, glaring at marley from the corner of her eye.

"i understand that we need a little shift in perspective, but let's just enjoy this week, and look forward to our big comeback next year." finn smiled, forgetting the fact that some of us won't be here.

"what about those of us who won't have a next year?" sam asked with a sad sigh.

"you never know." i tried to lighten the mood but no one seemed to laugh, or even look back before they walked away.

♪ sami ♪ - b. andersonWhere stories live. Discover now