chapter thirty nine; all or nothing.

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"MARLEY I FEEL SO SICK." i complained, clinging onto my stomach with my phone lying face up on my bed, waiting for a call to confirm the position.

"let's not talk about being sick." she patted my back awkwardly as i leaned forward so my head was now resting on the bed in front of me.

"yeah sorry." i whispered, my voice lingering in the silent air until our ears rang with the sound of my phone buzzing.

"chloe." marley pointed subtly and i whipped my head up quickly, taking a deep breath before picking up the call.

"hello?" i answered, putting it to my ear. "yes that's me and yes i'm confirming the position." i looked to marley with a proud smile on my face and she gave me a thumbs up. "okay bye."

once the phone was safely down on my bed we both squealed loudly.

"holy shit who died." finn ran in and we both turned to him. either he was a really fast runner or he was next door.

"chloe accepted the offer." marley announced with a smile, beginning to squeal again this time finn joining in with the two of us jumping up and down a little.

"no way." he threw his arms around me. "we've got to tell kurt."

"kurt's here?" i yelled in disbelief, turning to the door to infact see the boy standing there.

"you don't need to tell me, i heard everything, these walls really aren't soundproof." he smiled softly and i leapt out of finn's arms into kurt's.

"oh kurt you weren't the one who had to hear chloe blasting the wicked soundtrack every night for about two weeks." finn sighed and kurt gave me a proud look.

"yeah i got a ton of new cd's i'll have to show you them."

"hey marley." kurt waved to the brunette over my shoulder and she waved back with a smile on her face.

"i can't believe this, i just got signed." i squealed one last time. "pizzas on me."

"you're quiet." blaine whispered dropping his hand around my waist and i turned to him with a nod.

"tired." i replied, i still hadn't talked to blaine about the phone call. i still hadn't talked to him about the fact i was leaving.

"regionals." mr schue clapped his hands together running into the room with a smile on his face, finn following behind him.
"i just found out, because of safety concerns related to late-season tornados, indianapolis has declined to host the competition. so! as defending champions, we're having regionals here, in our auditorium."

"home court advantage, yo!" artie hollered.

"now, because of a sexting scandal at our lady of perpetual loneliness, their glee club, the nun-touchables, has been excommunicated by the new pope."

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