chapter six; silly love songs

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"GUESS WHO JUST GOT A JOB" i yelled as i walked through the front doors of my house

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"GUESS WHO JUST GOT A JOB" i yelled as i walked through the front doors of my house. no one was home except for finn who was sprawled across the sofa, eating ice cream straight from the tub.

"i don't know, blaine" he murmured as i threw a pillow at him.

"why are you being such a sad sack? it's valentine's day tomorrow!!" i put on my biggest smile and do jazz hands but finn just groans again.

"easy for you to say, your in love" he said and i took the ice cream out of his hand.

"finn you don't even like coconut. and it's vegan. why do we have vegan coconut ice cream anyways no one's gonna eat it?" i read the label before throwing it in the trash.

"rachel made me buy it for our thursday movie nights" he sighed and i took his hand to pull him off the sofa, it didn't work.

"come on, i'll buy you ice cream if you tell me what's going on" i said and his face lit up.

"really" he gasps and i nod.
"okay okay" he got up and grabbed his car keys.

"so where'd blaine get his job?" finn asked and i laughed.

"oh no it was me, i got a job, forever 21 bitchesss" i made my voice go high to make finn laugh.

"wow, does that mean you can get discounts and stuff, i know how specific you like your eyelash curlers" he replied and i nodded in agreement.

"don't think i've forgotten finn, why were you throwing yourself a pity party with disgusting ice cream watching reruns of law and order?" i asked and he sighed.

"can you keep a secret?" he asked and i nodded.
"i kissed quinn"

"holy shit she's cheating on sam" i whispered and he gave a small nod before continuing.
"i don't see the problem, rachel's totally into you"

"no she's not, don't get mad but i think she has the hots for blaine" he said and i pretty much spat out my milkshake.

"no fucking way" i shouted earning a glare from the lady behind the counter. finn bit his lip before taking another lick of his ice cream.

"i need to talk to blaine, he's probably at the lima bean can you take me?" i practically begged and finn looked down at his ice cream.

"but i'm not finished" he protested and i grabbed his arm, dragging him out of the shop.

"i'll drive" i took the keys out of his pocket and he shrugged before clicking his seatbelt.

after a short drive and finn dropping his ice cream on my skirt we had arrived at the lima bean and i ran inside, finn following behind me.

"hey blaine, kurt" i quickly said before grabbing the back of his head and kissing blaine passionately.

i could hear finn stifling a laugh behind me. maybe i was being jealous but i really did love blaine and i couldn't let that dwarf berry get in between us.

♪ sami ♪ - b. andersonWhere stories live. Discover now